Global Warming Effects For Increased Natural Disasters

Global Warming Effects
Floods, landslides, high winds, wildfires, high waves, and droughts are natural disasters that regularly approached. These disasters are coming more often, it is difficult to predict, on a bigger scale than ever before. Earth is being sensitive to global warming, climate change, human activity coupled with an apathetic, indifferent to natural resource exploitation uncontrollably, clearly contributing in the process.

More than 6,000 natural disasters are expected to occur in the last twenty years. While 252 million people worldwide affected by various types of natural disasters - not including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters unrelated to climate.

However, a researcher Austria stated that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are part of the disasters caused by global warming. Increased earthquake activity currently five times greater than it was twenty years ago, because the Earth absorbs more heat energy from the sun than the inverted radiation back into space, and lead to imbalances. The earth is getting warmer and increases the activity of seismic motion, tectonic, and volcanic. When you look at this statement, then the impact of global warming on the increase in disasters and the death toll count greater.

Indonesia is an archipelago with a fourth-longest coastline in the world along 95 181 km, a confluence of three major tectonic plates: the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate and passed two lines or a series of volcanoes, namely: circum-Pacific and circum Mediterranean .

This condition is caused Indonesia to be vulnerable to natural disasters caused by global warming - climate change. In 2015, the estimated number of people living in vulnerable areas affected by natural disasters and global warming (climate change) in the world increased 54 percent to reach 375 million people per year. Economic level, poverty, lack of disaster measures the percentage of deaths caused in poor and developing countries is far greater than the developed countries.

Borneo, the island is spelled "relatively" safer than other islands in Indonesia because it does not pass through a series of active volcanoes and the active tectonic plates move, it can not be separated from the problem of disasters due to climate change. Floods, landslides, high waves, droughts, and forest fires have been a disaster to be ready to face the population living in Borneo. Followed by a long hot after heavy rainfall, causing flooding and vulnerable to landslides. High waves swept the settlements on the coast. And disasters that come more frequently with larger scale, it is also felt in the city of Balikpapan.

Forest fires are the most popular disaster facing Kalimantan. Biggest fire ever in East Kalimantan occurred in 1997/1998 after the great fire in 1982/1983 due to climate phenomenon El Nino, temperatures high temperatures caused by global warming. Global warming, climate change, high temperatures will be answered by the negligent behavior caused wildfires into risky thing to happen in Borneo.

Sungai Wain Protection Forest (HLSW) owned by the city of Balikpapan also caught fire, the effects of El Nino. The impact of forest fires can be felt directly in human activities, smog that impair vision, disrupting flight schedules to endanger the flight. Wildfires also cause us to lose a lot of natural resources, flora and fauna.
Global warming is real, things that affect our daily lives whether we realize or not realize it. We need to be concerned about the risks of global warming-climate change, we need to change our behavior for the better. We need to do energy efficiency, switching to renewable alternative energy use, planting vegetation, and stop the exploitation of natural resources excessively. Natural disasters due to global warming-climate change mitigation action is not only necessary, but also a change in attitude

Global Warming: Effects And Solutions

global warmingYou may have heard dire warnings this many times. Carbon dioxide (CO2) from human due to the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas accumulating in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a gas that causes the greenhouse effect due to heat trapped and can not get out of the Earth's atmosphere so that the temperature of the earth heats up. Al Gore warned that global warming is caused by carbon dioxide emissions, could increase sea levels by 20 feet and can cause a deadly storm.

Some scientists do not support this theory and other predictions are eerily like Al Gore and his allies repeatedly yelled the "scientific consensus." Global warming is real and carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to it, but this is not a crisis. Global warming in the 21st century tend to be simple, it can even be beneficial in some places. Even in the worst case, the human race will be much better in 2100 than it is today. Thus the opinion of the scientists.

Greenhouse gases stay can stay in the atmosphere for many - years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming will have an impact on Earth. Here are 5 deadly effects of global warming.

5. Spread of disease

When the northern states of the Earth is getting warmer, diseases and insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Even some scientists even believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria has not been fully eradicated.

4.Perairan warm and frequent storm frequency

As ocean temperatures rise, storm chances will arise more frequently and stronger. We see this happen in 2004 and 2005, where a huge storm hit several countries.

3. Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves

Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst, with more severe droughts also occur in Europe. Water has become so scarce goods in Africa, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflict and war.

Economic 2.Konsekuensi

Most of the effects of anthropogenic global warming will not be good. And this effect refers to one thing for the countries of the world: economic consequences. The storm caused billions of dollars in losses due to damage, maintenance costs and other circumstances worsen.

1. Polar ice melt

Melting ice at both poles is indicative of four other dangers that may arise.

First, It will increase sea levels. There were 5.773 million cubic kilometers of water ice, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today, sea water will rise about 230 feet. Fortunately, it will not happen all at the same time! But sea levels will continue to rise, slowly but surely.

Second, melting ice caps will affect the global ecosystem out of balance, and when they melt they will desalinate the ocean, or make reduced seawater acidity levels or desalinization. Desalinization it will make a "mess" of ocean currents. Irregularity would cool the area around the northeastern United States and Western Europe. Fortunately, it is actually that will slow some of the other effects of global warming in that area!

Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the arctic circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.

Fourth, global warming could eliminate snowball with the ice caps. Ice caps are white, and reflect the sun's heat back into space, further on the matter if the ice caps melt, the only reflector is the ocean. We all know that the sea is dark colors and dark colors absorb more of the sun's heat, thus warming the maximum.

So what is the solution? Are we just going to remain silent? Are there any positive effects of global warming? What about all the discourse about the solution of global warming?. Some of the following solutions may be criticized by friends - friends all readers:

1.) Remove all subsidies for fuel use.

Subsidies for fossil energy is the burden of millions of dollars for taxpayers while generating minimal benefit. Although the program is likely to be relatively small given the size of the domestic energy market, they serve only some people. The potential threat of global warming, whether it is real or not, only one way to eliminate this subsidy program is an international agreement that aims to end energy subsidies with binding targets that will deliver significant emissions reductions. Examples such as the Kyoto Protocol, which forces "energy diet" in the participating countries.

2.) Repeal Flood Insurance Program.

Many concerns about harmful effect of global warming in the United States related to rising sea levels and flooding will occur. However, a lot of investment potential in areas prone to flooding to the protection of the Federal Insurance Program from the U.S. Government. The program encourages development in areas prone to act in a kind of "moral hazard", investors are taking a greater risk because the government said it would help underwrite the risk. Against Reform program is more realistic answer to the issue of global warming.

3.) Reform of Air Traffic Control Systems.

Greater demand for air travel means more flights, which means greater fuel use and increased emissions. However, the government is still referring to the air traffic control system, which is based on the 1920's Beacon system which can hinder innovation to reduce fuel use and emissions. As a general rule, the shorter the flight, the less fuel will be consumed. However, both the airline and the pilots have the freedom to choose the most direct route and economical. Giving pilots the freedom to map out a route of course is an interesting and desirable in the eyes of the aviation industry, and the environmental impact would be tremendous. Because it involves a reform of air traffic needs to be done to reduce emissions from air traffic is increasingly dense in the era of globalization.

4.) Facilitate Private Electricity Provider Competition is cheap.

By rejecting the model of central government regulation of electricity monopoly and allow private electricity supplier as a supplier of cheap electricity to meet customer needs, waste and energy-related emissions would be reduced further, the government in this case quite as regulator. Waste reduction will prove economic benefits even if the emission itself does not pose a problem.

5.) Reducing Barriers regulation of nuclear energy development.

None other than nuclear technology proven to deliver emission-free energy on the scale required to make significant reductions in carbon emissions. The problem is that due to the anti-nuclear environmentalists in the 1970s, it takes a very long time to build a nuclear plant. This encourages the development and construction costs to uneconomic levels and competitive by building forms of electricity generation by fuels like coal and natural gas. According to the institute of nuclear energy, it takes 10 years from concept to operation to build a nuclear plant, and only four of them are construction, the remaining permit application development (2 years) and decision-making by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (4 years).