You Can Reduce Global Warming Effects

Reduce Global Warming Effects

Yes You can Reduce the Effects of Global warming by reducing the emission of Carbondioxide. All you need to do is start using Solar and Wind Power at your home.  Build Your Own Simple Solar or Wind Power Generation System. It is not difficult. Reduced CO2 will reduce the effects of global warming and generate you free power for your home. If you can generate more than your requirement then you can give it back to your power grid and the power company will pay you.

Greenhouse Gas Generation

It is known that more than any other gas CO2 is doing more harm to our environment by trapping heat in the earths atmosphere. The Glaciers are melting off. The sea level is rising. Wake up. The coastal  cities will be gone in a few years if we do not act now. Find a chart or sector graph of the various greenhouse gases. If we can then we must do whatever small steps we can take to control this mad rise in CO2. Put up a Solar or Wind Generation system for your homes now. It will cost you a few dollars, but you will get free power and recover the cost in a few months and you will also get paid by the power company for uploading power to their grid if you generate extra power.