What Is Global Warming?

Definition of the Global warming is

the rise in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and

oceans. OR It observed and projected increases in the average

temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. OR Global warming refers

to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes

changes in climate.

A warmer Earth may lead to changes in

rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on

plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of

climate change, their concern is about global warming caused by human


Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago and its

temperature has changed through history.it has been warmer in the

past,and sometimes much colder. But it is the speed at which earth is

heating up that is alarming. For the first btime in history, humans,not

nature are the main cause of earth’s changing climate or as it is

commonly known as Global warming.

Ice Ages

for long periods of times- called ice ages-earth’s surface was almost

completely covered with ice. Much of the ice was stored in


Fossile fuels - All living things use

and store carbon. Millions years ago ,when plants and animals died,some

were buried, crushed, and fossilized under ground.oil,coal,natural gas

formed from this fossilized remains-this is why this is called fossile

When we burn the fossile fuels we are releasing the large

amounts of carbon into the atmosphere as part of the gas carbon

dioxide. It is released naturally such as volcanoes, but humans and

machines we use are produce more carbon dioxide than ever before.70% of

the world’s energy is generated by burning the fossile


What causes Global warming? Is it part of a

natural cycle?

Global warming is due to the build up of

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which form one sort of blanket over

the Earth,which traps the heat which is normally escape the atmosphere.

The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, this is emitted from the

burning of fossil fuels.When we burn the fuel,gases are released, or

emitted, into the atmosphere. Our gas emission have been on the rise

since last century. When people started burning coal in factories to

produce power. As emissions have increased, sohas earth’s


What is Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases are those which absorb the heat from the sun and help

warm the planet, which makes it possible for the the plants and animals

to live. Most greenhouse gases are the natural part of the life. For

example, human breaths out small amount of the carbon dioxide into the

air. But some human activities have caused some gases to buld up too

much. Many scientist belives this increase in greenhouse gases causing

global warming.

Which are Greenhouse gases?-

Carbon dioxide makes up more than 99percent of the greenhouse gases in

earth’s atmosphere.The remaining 0.6 percent contains methane,nitrous

oxide,ozone and halocarbons.

The Greenhouse

–The Greenhouse effect is a natural process discovered

in 18th century.it has kept our planet warm enough to support life for

billions of years.but as the amount of greenhouse gases increases, more

heat is trapped in the atmosphere. The natural process has sped up and

earth is getting hotter.
Greenhouse effect is the result of

absorption of heat by some greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and re-

radiate downward some of that heat. Most common example of the

greenhouse gas is the water vapour which is abundantly available in the

atmosphere, carbon dioxide and other trace gases. Without this natural

greenhouse effect.
The temperature of the Earth would be about -18°C

instead of 14°C.The greenhouse effect is the process in which the

emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's

surface. Solar energy,only about half of the sun’s energy makes it to

earth’s surface. The rest is bounced back or trapped by clouds and the

atmosphere itself.

Global Warming Causes

Global Warming


1) Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants.
2) Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars.
3) Carbon Dioxide from the planes.
4) Carbon Dioxide from Buildings. - Buildings structure emmits about

12% of carbon dioxide.
5)Methane – If carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse

gas, methane is another important one.This gas is twenty times as

important as CO2 for trapping heat in the atmosphere.
6)Water Vapors in the Climate.-This Water vapor is the

very abundant and very poweful greenhouse gas on the earth.
7)Nitrous oxide –This is another greenhouse gas, this

gas is colourless, non-flammable,sweetish odour, and due to its

characteristic it is called "laughing gas".
8)Deforestation – It is another major reason of

atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation results to 20-25% of carbon

generation which mix with atmosphere.
9)More people – the increasing number of people on

earth is one of the greatest factors in global warming. The world’s

population has grew four times larger in last 100 years. More peoples

means more fossile fuels are burned. This has led to a massive rise in

the levels of greenhouse gases in earth’s atmosphere.
10)City life – life in large cities is comfortable and

convenient, but the energy ths lifestyle requires has a high

environmental cost.A) Home and businesses – heating,

lighting and air-conditioning in homes and business create a lot of

greenhouse gases. Together, buildings account for almost 30 percent of

all CO2 released by cities, with around 70 percent of this coming from

our houses and apartments.B)Industry – People living

in cities use huge amount of power,food,water and manufactured

products. All of this has to come from somewhere. Power

stations,factories and processing plants create almost half of all our

greenhouse gases.C)Transportation – People in cities

requires cars and buses to get around, and business needs trucks to

shift goods. These fuel-hungry vehicles create more than 70 percent of

CO2 transportation emissions. The rest is from trains and

airplanes.D)Building problems – Growing city

populations nedd plsces to live, work and shop. Constuction work and

making concrete release tons of CO2 even before the buildings are

complete.Pollution problem - Burning fossile fuels, the major cause of

global warming, also causes air pollution. Exhaust gases from

factories,cars and other vehicles contains greenhouse gases that trap

heat in our atmosphere. As well as making Earth warmer, some of these

gases can create smog amd acid rain.

How smog is created? – Smog is formed when exhaust

gases from cars and factories react with oxygen in the air, warmed by

high temperatures and uv rays from the sun. This creates a thick cloud

of nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and other harmful gases, which can irritate

or even permanently damage the lungs.

Heat island effect– Concrete buildings and sidewalks

trap heat during the day, leaving and towns several degrees warmer than

surrounding country areas in the evenings. This is called the heat

island effect. The increased heat in cities and towns also leads to

higher levels of air pollution.

Global Warming Solutions- Using energy which we have

available efficiently and moving to renewable energy like wind, solar,

geothermal, and bioenergy would definitely reduce our emissions of

heat-trapping gases.By putting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and

vehicle technology solutions.

Effects Of CO2 On Sea & Role Of Human Being.

Ocean p.H Imbalance:
The world’s oceans,which absorb about a third of the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels, are becoming more acidic.
How CO2 affects ocean’s acidity:
# when carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, it forms carbonic acid, which releases hydrogen, making the water more acidic.
# Hydrogen ions then combine with carbonate ions to form bicarbonate.
# This reaction makes carbonates, which are the building blocks of many marine organizes, less available and could change the ocean’s ecosystem.
How acidity affects marine life:
# Can eat away the shells of crabs, oyster, clams and microscopic organisms called krill and pteropods.
# Can inhibit the rebuilding of thrir shells, eventually causing them to die off.
# Can lower the amount of food available for fish at the higher end of the food chain.
Global Warming is the universal problem and challenge to the human being

Role of human being for the Global Warming:Combating global warming is very much in the hand of the mankind, provided all nations and people like it up as their priority agenda and and employ their scientific and technical capabilities to find cost effective workable solution without compromising the high standard of living in the developed countries and aspirations of developing countries to achive the same. Global warming is avoidable, provided all nations and the humanity comes together and makes a determined effort. Spaceship earth can be saved and mankind can continue its exiting exploration and understanding of the universe by maintaining the eco-system.

Climate change in the resent past

Global average CO2 concentrations were fairly constant till 1930. There was a little “Ice Age” in the period 1400-1900. Ever since industrialization, however,CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been going up and, as a result, global temperature.
Since 1960, a close watch has been kept on CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The total global emission of CO2 was 27.2 billion tons.
Global concentrations of CO2 reached the highest level in 2007, since record-keeping began in 1958, according to the World Metrological Organization. According to it, samples from 40 countries revealed that the level of CO2 in the air reached 381 ppm, a concentration not seen in 400000 years. The industrial revoltion, in particular, caused a rapid rise of CO2.
Global warming of 0.2 C per decade is highly likely, resulting in global average projected warming of 2.2 C TO 4 C by the end of the current century.
Climate change threatens to ruin cultivable land, resulting in a crop failures. It will lead to rise in sea levels, which will threatens the coastal infrastructure. Glaciers are melting globally.
Melting of glaciers will also lead to reduced summer flow. These are no longer abstract and remote concept.
There are changes in amount and pattern of precipitation, resulting in increases in frequency and intensity of the extreme wheather, including hurricanes. This will lead to various effects, including the changes in agricultural yields. Global warming will also lead to the extinction of many species. There will be rise in number of diseases – malaria,dengu,fever etc. Apart from the increasing the average temp of the atmosphere, the build-up in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is also in water to produce acid, which, in turn, is decreasing the ph of the oceans.

Global warming General Scenario

Introduction : Due to intense human activity, in general, and consumption of fuels, the greenhouse gas i.e carbon dioxide in atmosphere is going up. The increase in absorption of the sun’s heat and consequent higher temperature of the atmosphere could have have drastic effect on entire global eco-system.
Global warming in the past : Scientist believes that universe created about 14 billion years ago and expanding since then.
There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe and each galaxy contains 200 billion sun like stars of different sizes.Many of these stars have the planets going around them, like the earth does around the sun.
Earth came into being 4.5 billion years ago. It was hot to start with and has cooled gradually. Life began on the earth about 3.5 billion ago and has, since then, undergone many changes resulting in many mass extinction events ( Holocene age,Tertiary cretaceous,Jurassic park,Triassic Permian,Carboniferous Devonian,Silurian Ordovician )
An extinction event is a sharp decrease in the number of species in a relatively short period of times,affecting mostly birds,mammals,reptiles,amphibians,fish and other simpler forms.
Main extinction causes include basalt eruption,global cooling or warming,asteroid or comet impacts and falling sea levels.
One of the most violent periods in the history of the earth is the disappearance of dinosaurs around 65 million years ago. They appeared around 230 million years back and were for almost 165 million years. During the period,they were not only roaming all over the world.

Trees : A Solution For The Global Carbon Dioxide Problem

Of the current global environmental problem, the excessive release of the carbon dioxide from the combustionof the fossil fuels and it is leading to the Global warming. Deliberately planted forests bind the CO2 through the photosynthesis and are then removed from the global CO2 cycle by burial.
For the time, humankind will give something back to the nature that we have taken away before.
Whereas other environmental problems can, at least in principle, be solved by the appropriate modern technology but there is no realistic solution for the CO2 problem.
At present a daunting 32 gigatons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere every year. The only possible way to bind sufficiently large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere is photosynthesis.
However, the resulting biomass cannot be burned or composted, because this would release the bound CO2. planting forests whose wood will subsequently be buried. Possible burial sites include open brown coal pits or other surface mines. These should be filled with wood and covered wit soil. Cut off from the air in this manner, the wood would not change, even over long periods.
It could in principle be dug up in the future and used. According to estimation made, we would have to plant a little over 1 billion hectares of forest in order to bind all of the carbon dioxide produced in the year.
So the planting the tree will surely help to control the Global Warming

The True Price of Fuel

It seems to that every time we turn on the TV or listen to the radio we are bombarded with the next rise in fuel prices.

Is this a true supply and demand question? Well it is true that the booming Chinese economy is consuming vast amounts of natural resources including oil, but the United States is still the world's largest consumer of oil and related products.

The peak of oil consumption in the US is in winter, with oil being used for heating and in recent years there have been big surges in the price of oil at this time.

As supply is limited by OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) the price can be somewhat governed by the amount of oil they let onto the market. As oil is a limited resource we might be inclined to believe that that oil will run dry in the near future but the reality is, as the price of crude increases, the cost of recovering oil from remote, inhospitable places become more and more viable.

There are masses of such types of oil reserves all over the world that are only now being seriously looked at as a viable resource.

In Alaska, for instance, there are vast oil fields that are deposited in sand under the ground. This oil, once considered worthless is now starting to be extracted from the sand and will be a resource that will last well into the millennium.

As a result of our overwhelming need for oil we are now facing the world's biggest problem in history, Global Warming.

Caused by excessively high levels of green house gases in the atmosphere, global warming is a direct result of the burning of fossil fuels such as oil. As the levels of gases build the heat that the sun produces is trapped in the worlds atmosphere rather than being able to dissipate back into space. Hence the name green house effect.

The green house effect can be seen on another planet, Venus. Venus can reach 480C as a result of green house gases and of course life at these temperatures for humans is not possible.

Unless we can curb our consumption and reliance oSam Wolfe has been playing bingo online for 6 years and has tried all bingo sites over that time. She now consults with online bingo halls and advises on player satisfaction aspects. Highly recommended is http://www.pk0.org and http://www.buzoo.co.uk as excellent resources for online bingo.
n oil, coal and other fossil fuels we run the risk of heating our planet to a level where the sea levels will rise as a result of melting the polar ice caps which will displace hundreds of millions of people.

Even worse than this we could be creating the demise of the entire human race by making the planet uninhabitable.

So the true price of oil is not what we pay at the pump or the bowser but the price is life itself.

Governments around the globe are starting to take notice but unless the major consumers start to reduce their consumption the efforts of countries who have been working towards World green house gas reduction will fail.

There are steps that you can take as an individual also. Try taking public transport to your sports game or local bingo hall or better still watch the game on television or play bingo online.

What you do matters and if enough people start to think about the effect we have on the planet and on our children's future we can force Politian's to take notice and act.

Man kind came together once before to stop the production and use of CFC which deplete our UV protecting layer of the atmosphere ozone, so there is no reason we can't beat this global problem.

Article Source: http://www.bestglobalwarmingarticles.com