Effects Of CO2 On Sea & Role Of Human Being.

Ocean p.H Imbalance:
The world’s oceans,which absorb about a third of the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels, are becoming more acidic.
How CO2 affects ocean’s acidity:
# when carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, it forms carbonic acid, which releases hydrogen, making the water more acidic.
# Hydrogen ions then combine with carbonate ions to form bicarbonate.
# This reaction makes carbonates, which are the building blocks of many marine organizes, less available and could change the ocean’s ecosystem.
How acidity affects marine life:
# Can eat away the shells of crabs, oyster, clams and microscopic organisms called krill and pteropods.
# Can inhibit the rebuilding of thrir shells, eventually causing them to die off.
# Can lower the amount of food available for fish at the higher end of the food chain.
Global Warming is the universal problem and challenge to the human being

Role of human being for the Global Warming:Combating global warming is very much in the hand of the mankind, provided all nations and people like it up as their priority agenda and and employ their scientific and technical capabilities to find cost effective workable solution without compromising the high standard of living in the developed countries and aspirations of developing countries to achive the same. Global warming is avoidable, provided all nations and the humanity comes together and makes a determined effort. Spaceship earth can be saved and mankind can continue its exiting exploration and understanding of the universe by maintaining the eco-system.