Sun Greenhouse Effects Global Warming

Greenhouse Effects Global Warming

What is Greenhouse Effect?

When the ground is heated inside a green house or a glass roof house with plants inside, the suns heat absorbed by the ground is radiated back to the sky. But the glass allows some heat to radiate out but reflects back some part of this radiated heat keeping the glass house green and plants grow. This is called a green house effect as shown below

What is Greenhouse Effect on Atmosphere?

When the ground is heated by the sun, the heat absorbed by the ground is radiated back to the sky. But like the glass, the green house gases like Carbon di Oxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone and Water vapour stops some part of this radiated heat and reflect it back to the earth. This is called a green house effect on the earth's atmosphere as shown below

What is Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?

When the amount of greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere then more heat gets reflected back and remains trapped on earth. This is called Enhanced Greenhouse Effect as shown below: -

Which Gas Causes Max Greenhouse Effect?

Carbondioxide causes the maximum Greenhouse effect on earth. CO2 accounts for 60% of the greenhouse effect caused by any gas. This is increased today because of the population growth, cutting of trees that reduce CO2 and by burning fuel by our vehicles, planes and ships which release CO2 into the atmosphere. 

Is There Greenhouse Effect on the Moon?

No. Greenhouse Gases like CO2 is not there in the moon and its atmosphere is too thin and cannot trap any heat on its surface. Thus there is no Greenhouse effect on the moon as shown below

How to Achieve Zero Greenhouse Effect?

Reduce burning fuel by using public transports, use carpooling, don't generate waste that decay and release methane, do not burn garbage that release CO2 into the atmosphere, Plant more trees that convert CO2 to Oxygen and stop cutting trees. Stop using paper that is made from trees and recycle paper, do not burn paper. Use Renewable sources of energy like wind, wave and solar energy.

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