Aircraft Causes Antartic Global Warming

AirCraft Causes Antartic Global Warming

Arctic and Antarctic regions being ice covered and white, it reflects maximum amount of suns energy back to space. But the CO2 present in atmosphere is causing a layer or blanket that stops the heat from escaping the earths atmosphere and keeps it trapped. This causes a large increase of global warming or temperature rise.

They have landed aircraft in Antarctic ice runway as you see the scientists in the photo above. The air craft that fly over Antarctica emit so much carbon dioxide directly at a height where it actually affects the earths atmosphere in global warming. Most people are not aware that studies have found that the jet planes flying in the Antartic region are actually emitting so much of carbon di oxide that the heat reflected by the earths ice cover is not able to escape the atmosphere. Antartica Ice is melting.

If we do not take action now to stop all these aircraft from causing this dangerous situation of carbondioxide  emissions in the antartic regions then the global warming will be directly effecting the earth by melting the artic and antartic ice cap and increasing the height of the seas world over to over 2 meters by the year 2100.

With every inch of sea level rise the land lost along the shores of the countries world over would be around phenomenal as the sea would come inland by over 600 feet per centimeter sea level rise. Do what ever you can to stop the global warming. Build Your Own Simple Solar or Wind Power Generation System at least at your home so that you save the earth from heating up from generating power for your home burning coal or oil by the power company. If you generate some extra power do give it back to the power grid and your power company may pay you for the electricity you give to the grid.

Save the earth. Stop global warming. Contribute to save earth your way by at least planting a tree today. A tree would convert one ton of carbondioxide to oxygen in one year.