The Effects of Global Warmning - Hot Sun

The Biggest Effect of Global Warming is Caused By The Sun

The Sun is the Main Cause of Global Warming?

Most people think that Effects of Global Warming that we see today is caused by Humans alone. This is not true in my view. The problem that Carbon di Oxide causes is that it does not allow the sun's radiation already received by the earth to be radiated back as CO2 traps it in the earth's atmosphere and heats it up.

But why is that people are not bothered about the sun itself?

The sun is slowly growing into a large red giant. it will continue to grow. Scientists and Astronomers have already predicted that in 2012 the some thing drastic will happen on the sun. The sun will emit loads and loads of rays and radiation that will disrupt all the radio, radar, mobile, power grids and all other communication networks including all our satellites.

We Have To Move Away From The Sun.

As the sun grows in size, its heat and other radiations will also increase. This means global warming problem will increase many folds. All the earth's ice will melt because of the Effect of Global Warming. The water in the sea will rise by more than 260 feet. That is not the end. We may also get fried on earth because of the sun's intense heat. So we have to move away from the Sun.

How Do We Move The Earth Away From The Sun?

NASA is already working out a plan. They will send a high speed satellite with adequate mass. This satellite will hit a carefully chosen meteorite whose path is likely to be close to earth or moon. By hitting the satellite, its path will alter very little and it will come closer to the moon, may be 10000 kilometers. Any thing closer it will hit the moon which they don't want to happen. The meteorite and moon will exert gravitational force on each other.

Using Moon We Will Move The Earth Away From The Sun

Once the moon moves outwards from its original orbit, it will cause a change in the earths orbit also. The calculations by NASA is such that the earth will get pulled by the moon and will start going away from the sun slowly about 3 cm every year. it is small amount but finally we will accelerate away and remain in such an orbit that as the Sun grows in size and heat, the earth will continue to remain in the same habitable cooler orbit.

Will The Earth Move as NASA is Planning?

This is not just theory. NASA will be able to move the earth to keep it cool. They have been sending satellites for a long time and humans have gone to space and moon. So I think we can believe what they say. Wait and Watch.