Know The History And Understand The Global Warming Issue

Global warming is defined by Wikipedia as "the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation."

Most think of global warming as being human-made, and while much recent attention to global warming is due to the human-made variety, global warming is actually a natural process as the Earth has experienced natural global warming and cooling many times in the past. The Antarctic EPICA ice core has existed for 800,000 years, and that has included eight glacial cycles with interglacial warming periods that are much hotter than current temperatures.

Some geologists believe that a rapid build-up of greenhouse gases caused the Earth to experience global warming in the early Jurassic period, with average temperatures rising by 5 C (9 F.) This caused rock weathering by 400%, which in turn, led to CO2 levels dropping back to normal over the next 150,000 years because rock weathering locks away carbon in calcite and dolomite.

Other past global warming events were believed to be caused by sudden releases of methane from clathrate compounds, including the Permian-Triassic extinction event and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. However, the last glacial period was believed to be caused by natural variations in the Earth's orbit, which led to the retreat of the ice sheets because of the changing amount of solar radiation received at high latitude.

However, the recent attention to the topic of global warming is due to the fact that human actions have caused global warming on a scale and with a rapidity unseen before.

Global average air temperature near the Earth's surface has increased by 0.56-0.92 C (0.98-1.62 F) over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that this observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations due to such activities like burning coal and fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and overgrazing the land. These activities have increased the greenhouse effect, which in turn, has warmed the temperatures near the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere.

From the period of 1860-1900, global land and sea temperatures had increased by 0.75 C (1.40 F,) but from 1979 to the present day, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (about 0.25 C/decade land temperature versus about 0.13 C/decade ocean temperature.) Also, temperatures in the lower troposphere have increased between 0.12-0.22 C (0.22-0.40 F) per decade since 1979.

The hypothesis of man-made global warming was first made in the 1880s, but due to the fact that 19th century calculations predicted that the mean global temperature should have risen by more than 1 C by 1940, and it hadn't, most had considered the hypothesis as more of a curiosity. It wasn't until 1979 when Mrs. Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom that the hypothesis became a major international policy issue.

Global warming has continued to be a major international policy issue since 1979, as the Rio Summit in 1992 proposed actions to constrain the emissions and the Kyoto Summit in December 1997 established binding agreements that would commit nation states to the constraints.

Europe, Japan, and the United States have agreed in principle to adopt the "Berlin Mandate" that requires them to cut their CO2 emissions to 15% below their 1990 levels by 2010. The US is not totally convinced this is the right approach, however, as the US Department of Energy (DoE) has conducted a study that suggests the "Berlin Mandate" will not reduce world-wide emissions of CO2. In fact, the DoE study suggests that the "Berlin Mandate" could raise CO2 emissions because many energy intensive industries would be forced to leave the US, Europe, and Japan where the constraints are enforced to countries that have either not adopted the mandate or that don't strictly enforce them, and because those countries likely would have less energy efficient industries, that would likely raise the level of CO2 emissions.

The 2000 Democratic Presidential candidate, Al Gore, has brought a new focus on global warming with his 2007 Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth." In this documentary, Mr. Gore has offered a passionate and inspirational look at his fervent crusade to expose the myths and misconceptions behind global warming so that global warming's deadly progress can be stopped before it's too late.

As you can see, global warming has been a hotly debated global topic for nearly the last 30 years. No one is absolutely sure what approach is the best way to go about reducing the threat of global warming in the future. If it's true that global warming could cause epic destruction in the near future, more discussion, and more importantly, action will need to be taken in order to avert that destruction. Looking at the history of global warming will likely help in determining a course of action that will help us avert that possible destruction.

Humans Are The Cause Of Global Warming
Human activities, without doubt, are the cause of global warming; and we are responsible for stopping global warming, especially because it is a possible thing to do. Stopping global warming is not only a possible thing to do, but it is a mandatory thing that every single individual in the world should participate in. We are facing a global problem, which means that there are a lot of us who need to be educated on the issue of global warming in order to make the changes necessary in order to reverse the problem at hand. What exactly do we mean when we state that human activities are the cause of global warming? How is it that our activities have such a big impact on the recent, not to mention terrifying, climate change? All of these questions, and many more, will be explained to you. What if the children that are born today suffer tomorrow because of our actions? Our kids would wish we had made better decisions in order to create a better future for them. Our actions today have an effect on the future of our children tomorrow, and we are the only ones who have the power to make a change. We have a serious problem on our hands; it is called Global Warming. Global warming is hitting the world by storm, literally. Once its effects are felt, there is no way to stop them; the only thing we can do is stop the future effects of global warming from occurring. Every single human being on the face of this earth is in some way responsible for some fraction of the causes of global warming. The same way, every single human being should do something immediately to help stop this disaster which has already gone out of control.

To understand our climate crisis, it is important to know what greenhouse gases are and how they naturally function in our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases consist of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's), methane, nitrous oxide, and the most important of them all, carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gases permit light that is emitted from the sun to enter the atmosphere; however they also lock in some infrared radiation which warms up the air in the atmosphere. These are all natural gasses, and this is a natural process which is called the greenhouse effect. The natural amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere work to help the Earth's surface maintain an average temperature of about 59 degrees Fahrenheit. This natural amount of heat that is trapped in our atmosphere allows us to breathe clean air, have clean water, and have normal weather. We will focus mainly on CO2 emissions since they account for about 80% of all greenhouse emissions. Out of all of the greenhouse gasses, humans create more CO2. Our climate crisis stems from excess CO2, which is the byproduct of human activity being released into our atmosphere. Excess emissions of CO2, as well as other greenhouse gasses, act as a blanket and trap heat in out atmosphere, thus creating global warming which is the reason for our unimaginable climate change. According to The Stop Global Warming campaign, "More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years." ("Stop Global Warming Virtual March.")

Global warming has altered the state of our climate in unimaginable ways, thus causing glaciers to melt, temperatures all over the world to raise, weather to become catastrophic, endangering species, and causing sea levels all over the world to rise. Since 1912 the ice cap of Mount Kilimanjaro has decreased by 75%. If they continue to melt at the present rate, all of the glaciers in Glacier National Park could be gone by the year 2070. In 1972 the mountain tops in Venezuela contained six glaciers; all but two of the glaciers have melted. Temperatures over the recent years have risen to dramatic highs in places that never experienced such temperatures for such long periods of time. In the summer of 1998, a massive 29 day heat wave struck Dallas Texas with temperatures of 100 degrees F. That same year in May, India suffered a massive heat wave which claimed over 2,500 lives. In the spring, the beautiful cherry blossoms planted along the streets of Washington DC bloom about 7 days before their blooming period compared to when they bloomed in 1970. The weather all over the world has intensified and changed for the worse. In March of 1997, floods swept along the Ohio River killing 30 people and causing property damage totaling over $500 million. Hurricane Floyd hit the Atlantic coast in September of 1999 with winds up to 130-m.p.h. causing floods which left thousands of people homeless, and killed 77 people. Fires raged all over the world due to extended droughts and heat waves. Fires tore through Samos Island in Greece and burned away about 20% of the area. Rising sea levels- another very serious effect of global warming, are threatening millions of people all over the world to move. If the ice continues to melt, and the oceans continue to rise, over 40 million people in Shanghai, and over 20 million people in and around Beijing would have to be evacuated.

In 1870 the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was built 1,500 feet from the shoreline. There was no choice left but to move the light house when the ocean came to about 160 feet of it around the late 1980's. Global Warming is also threatening species to extinction and hurting nature to the point where it is just sad. Between the years 1997 and 1998, salmon populations from the Pacific dramatically fell down in number as a result of rising ocean temperatures by 6 degrees Fahrenheit. Ice melting every year in the spring is said to have had an impact on the number of polar bear cubs being born in Hudson Bay. Never in the past has it been an issue that a large number of polar bears are drowning. These innocent creatures are forced to swim for miles in search of land; their land which has melted away, never to be seen again. Polar bears are now facing extinction because so many of them have died already, and more will continue to die off rapidly if the ice doesn't stop melting. A great number of other creatures are also facing extinction due to climate change, and also due to direct human interaction with the places these creatures live; but that is a whole different story. Beautiful Coral reefs that decorate our oceans are losing algae and are thus being destroyed because of an increase in ocean temperatures. Algae feed the beautiful corals and help them retain their amazing colors and forms. Unfortunately, due to the rise in ocean temperatures, these beautiful coral formations are being destroyed. Animals are relocating and migrating, confused because of the change of climate, not knowing what to call home. ("The Effects of Global Warming.")

Global Warming Is a Global Warning for India

Not many years ago when global warming issues were in their infancy, it was generally presumed that the environment activists had the responsibility to deal with them. Not anymore! Time has come when each one of us has to become an environmental activist to save and nurture our planet if we want to leave something for our future generations.

Ecological imbalance, climate change, global warming and carbon emissions are issues that have set the alarm bells ringing. This is a fact which was acknowledged by the assembly of world leaders in Copenhagen last month to seek lasting solutions. Global warming has become global warning for India.

Global Warming - a Wake Up Call for India

We keep reading about rising temperatures and sea levels in other parts of the world like United States and the U.K. and have shut our eyes and minds towards the threat that is looming large right at our doors! India is one of the most vulnerable countries when it comes to global warming. India has a vast coastal line and the rising sea levels caused by global warming will wreak an ecological havoc in the country. The writing is there on the wall! According to the research of United Nations Environment Program it has been forecasted that as the mercury rises, the Indian subcontinent which is home to one sixth of humanity will be one of the worst affected regions. The glaciers are retreating at a rate of fifty feet per year. It is predicted that if this continues then all the central and eastern Himalayan glaciers will be lost by as early as 2035! Take a look at some of the scary projected impacts:

Global Warming - Warning for the East Coast of India

Jawaharlal Nehru University of India carried out a study and projected a scenario when the sea levels would rise by just one meter. According to the portrayal, seven million people would be displaced and 5,764 sq km of land would be lost!

East coast of India would be the worst affected because of its Geographical locations and features. It is landlocked from three sides and the rivers Brahmaputra and Ganga form a big delta and will also transport water from the melting snows from the Himalayas. East coast is more vulnerable than the West coast though both would be adversely affected.

Global Warming in India: Warning for West Bengal

It is a well established fact now that the Himalayan Glaciers are melting at the rate of almost 34 meters per year. This in turn is going to cause the temperatures and sea levels to rise and there will be a domino effect on the crops and the monsoons. The predictions are that entire islands are going to vanish. It seems that the worst is going to be true because as reports indicate two islands already have. Two islands in the Sunderbans have already submerged! Temperatures in this group of islands have already risen by one degree centigrade.

Rising sea levels have flooded about 18,500 acres of mangrove forest during the past three decades in West Bengal

Global Warming - Warning for Kerela

The affects and impacts of global warming are already being felt in Kerela which is said to be God's own country. Kerela has witnessed dramatic changes in the climate in recent times. Almost all the districts of Kerela saw unprecedented rise in temperatures during summers.

The evolving weather patterns in Kerala with sudden cloud bursts interspersed with long dry spells all point towards the shadows of global warming right at our doorstep.

Global Warming - Warning for Orissa

Orissa is being projected as one of the states which is going to bear the brunt of global warming. In fact whole villages in the coastal regions have already disappeared. It has been reported that many villages from the Kendrapara district have submerged into the Bay of Bengal. Orissa is extremely vulnerable to the impact of rising sea levels because of its location. It is located at the head of Bay of Bengal with a landlocked sea and a deltaic plain, factors based on which the predictions have been made.

According to a survey conducted by the researchers at the National Center for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research based on people's perception on climate induced natural disasters in the Kendrapara district of Orissa. The results clearly showed that not only the frequency and intensity of droughts have increased but the incidence of flooding has gone up as well. According to the observations of the local people the sea water has become warmer and the cyclones have become more intense.

Climatologists can interpret and translate these innocent observations of the locals and attribute them to global warming. It is a paradox that the survey showed that these villagers hardly contributed to global warming and none of their activities emitted any greenhouse gases. In fact it is an irony that Australia, Canada and United States are the greatest contributors of greenhouse gases.

Global Warming - Warning for Andhra Pradesh

The floods that occurred in Andhra Pradesh during October 2009 are a clear impact of global warming.

The heat wave which has been traversing the state and taking its toll on human lives is also being put down on global warming. The temperatures went up to as high as 48.9 degrees centigrade and the highest one week death toll was recorded. Andhra Pradesh has been experiencing continuous warming trends.

Global Warming - Warning for Agriculture in India

The rise in average temperatures is bound to create an impact on agriculture. Some agricultural crops will be adversely affected by higher temperatures and may lead to shortage of food. It is predicted that there is going to be a substantial drop in the production of wheat and corn in India. It is estimated that the production of wheat in winter will be decreased by about 55% in India. It will in turn also affect those countries which are dependent on India for its food supply.

Another aspect that needs to be considered is the affect of global warming on the increase in the growth of weeds and harmful insects which can destroy harvests on a very large scale. It would be an uphill task to cope up with that.

Global Warming - Warning for Health

India being a tropical country has always been plagued with many diseases. The first impact of global warming on human life which is highlighted is the tremendous loss of human lives. The catastrophic impacts on health have so far been sidelined but are equally significant.

Climatic changes can affect the health of human being in various ways. Vector born diseases will rise exponentially like Malaria, Dengue fever, Yellow fever etc. due to the thriving of organisms carrying contagious diseases. Frequent flooding and higher atmospheric temperatures will also increase the incidence of cholera and food poisoning.

The elderly will also face a negative impact on their health due to the hot summer temperatures. It is reported that the death rate increases among those aged 65 and above, when the daily maximum temperature exceeds 33.

Global Warming - Warning for Plants and Animals

Global warming will cause animals and plants to shift their habitats to northern and mountainous areas. It is anticipated that some will become extinct if they are unable to migrate or cope up with the climate changes. It is predicted that the alpine flora growing near mountainous regions will become extinct and that many beech forests will disappear and be replaced by oak forests which are widely distributed in warm regions. According to Rajasekhar, Associate professor in the department of Environmental Sciences more than 3320 plant species and 630 animals face the danger of extinction due to global warming. As a result of this wild animals that live in or feed on these trees will be badly affected. It will also vastly affect fruit cultivation and forestry.

Protected zones of flora and fauna and many animals may become extinct. It would be impossible to recreate and rectify the ecological imbalance that will arise out of this.

Global Warming - Warning to Do something Now

'Tick...tick...tick...' the bomb of global warming is ticking away and is a very potent one. India has to awaken to this threat and do everything possible to minimize its implications. The laws of nature are pretty harsh and will not give us a second chance and have been warning us time and again against the hazards of global warming. India has to accelerate its efforts to combat global warming and not just talk about mitigating it

Copenhagen Summit held recently is a very positive and promising move but should not remain limited to drafting and signing accords.

Efforts like the 'earth hour' are good to create awareness but the time now has come to take the next step.

By Renuka S Nifadkar

Brief Professional Biography: - Author is presently associated with Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Research, Pune. Previously she was working with Vishvakarma Institute of Management. She has total 9 years of teaching experience in various Management Institutes. She has published & presented many research papers in various International & National Conferences in the domain of Finance, HR & Marketing. The author is holding a degree of MBA Finance, MBA HR, and is Pursuing PHD.

Climagegate and 2012 - What Does Global Warming - Have to Do With the New World Order
When Climategate broke just before the Copenhagen Summit on Global Warming, the mainstream media was almost consistently silent on the issue. This despite the fact that the materials that Russian hackers had found on the computers of global warming experts were pretty damning evidence, showing a clear conspiracy to misrepresent facts and mislead the public to believe that man made global warming is real. But why would anyone really want to lie about this stuff and why was the media not reporting like they should?

First of all, it's important to realize once and for all that Global Warming isn't a stand alone scientific issue. It's another in a long line of schemes tested by the global cabal that is often referred to as the NWO (New World Order). The members of this cabal are banking dynasties, politicians, media moguls and other people of power and privileged birth. Their main recruitment agency is the Council on Foreign Relations, created by John D. Rockefeller after his other global organization, the Trilateral Commission, failed to achieve the goal of global governance.

Make no mistake about it; the powers that be are doing everything they can to create a global governance structure - one currency, one party, one world. When this structure has been created, you can forget about the freedoms you would take for granted only a few years ago. When a one world currency is in place and global taxes are levied, your tax money will be siphoned away at a never before seen rate. You will likely be implanted with a citizen chip, money will be electronic, you will be restricted in your travels due to 'disease concerns' and you will be under constant surveillance 24/7.

Have you heard about the 2012 prophecy? Many people believe this, the end of the Mayan calendar, marks the happening of a natural catastrophe, a cosmic apocalypse, but it's much more likely that the occurrence of a major crisis - such as WW3 - will be man made.

Back to Global Warming; You see the goal of global warming movement was never to save the earth for future generations. It was to set up a global network governance structure to build the foundation for the future One World (NWO) government. No one in their right mind, would now accept a global government and that is why the elite needs to slip it in unseen trough things like global warming and other manufactured crisis, such as Swine Flu.

The Global Warming Politics
The Global Warming Politics have involved many different political debate, policy designs, and legislation involving the science of global warming and the response to global warming. The war of political words has involved many different governmental bodies, scientific organizations, and special interests groups. Most English speaking countries have supported the action to help limit global warming. The predicted effects of global warming are way too much to pass by which is why the governments of many countries have combined forces to help stop global warming. The war on global warming is an endless battle. The possible outcomes are frightening so we as people must help as much as possible.

The most noticeable change because of global warming politics occurred on December 11th 1997 with the creation of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol from the international Framework Convention on Climate Chance that intends to help reduce greenhouse gases that causes change in climate. The Kyoto Protocol became into effect on February 16th 2005. Since late 2007 one hundred and seventy five parties have ratified the protocol. However, only thirty six developed countries are actually required to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to the levels required for each country in the treaty. There are three other countries that are predicted to participate soon.

While the global warming politics have made major improvements in the war against global warming there is still much more to do. The Labor party in Australia has ratified the Kyoto Protocol however it just went into effect in March of 2008. The Liberal Party government of Canada has ratified the protocol. New Zealand's Labour government of Helen Clark ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The Labour Party of the United Kingdom has also ratified the Kyoto Protocol. In the United States Bill Clinton's Democratic Administration has signed the Kyoto Protocol. Many democrats have support a number of the bills that mitigate emissions. However, The Democratic Congress has never voted on whether or not the United States is bound to the treaty.

The global warming politics have long debated whether or not global warming is really all that dangerous. Many countries are fighting to take strong action against global warming. Others have disputed the scientific consensus on global warming or simply refuse action to mitigate global warming. In February of 2007 surveys discovered that ninety five percent of the forty one Congressional Democrats agreed that Earth's surface is warming because of man made problems while only thirteen percent of the thirty one Republicans who were surveyed agreed. Skepticism about global warming includes many newspapers in the United Kingdom and a few in Canada.

The global warming politics battle on to determine what to do to stop carbon emissions. While the United States has never officially agreed to be required to reduce emissions one hundred and ninety five cities in the United States have committed to reducing carbon emissions to seven percentages below the levels of 1990. That is over fifty million Americans committing to the cause. California, the world's sixth largest economy, committed in 2005 to reducing the emissions of 2000 levels by the year 2010. It is estimated that by 2020 if California's automotive standards were implemented nationwide drivers should save up to twenty six billion dollars a year.

The global warming politics are always debating and trying to implement new methods of stopping global warming. The nasty after effects of global warming almost always end with death and destruction. If it is true that we as humans are the cause of global warming we must do all we can to help the governments stop or at least delay global warming. We must take action before it is too late. Many skeptics believe that the effects of global warming will one day lead to the end of the world. Whether or not that is true nobody really knows. However, with such a shocking statement being said we must work hard along side the politics to prevent that from ever happening.

Global Warming - How It Could Spark World War III
These Days global warming is a very hot topic and little wonder, seeing as the earth grows hotter with each passing year.

For a long time now the effect of man's industrialization and technological progress has quietly yet continuously eked away at the delicate balance of the planet's atmosphere and ecosystem, but within the last 30 or so years the pace of this damage has markedly accelerated!

Downplaying Global Warming

In much the same way that Big Tobacco once vehemently denied the association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, for the longest time a number of multi-billion-dollar-a-year industries have also been questioning the existence of global warming and misleading the public about its reality.

In fact the Bush II years have been particular devastating to Environmental Protection Rights, yet staggeringly lucrative for those who would profit from the loss of such protection.

In what can best be described as an orgy-fest of self-congratulatory backslapping, many a heavyweight lobbyist for industries such as oil, coal, mining, logging, aviation, auto manufacturers have left the Bush Whitehouse grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat because they'd gotten firm assurance that pesky environmental laws would never get in the way of business as usual!

An example of how the Bush II Administration misled the public into believing they were truly concerned about protecting the environment was the sneaky way in which they enacted laws such as The Clean Skies Act.

The Clean Skies Act introduced in February 2003 apparently appears to strengthen already existent environmental laws such as The Clean Air Act but which in reality actually weakened and undermined them.

The Clean Skies Act gave pollutant industries a lot of leeway allowing them to spew an additional 42 million more tons of pollution into the atmosphere and raised caps on greenhouse gas emissions.

Soon after Bush II came to power the situation got so bad, that after decades of effective service, two of the most senior enforcement officials in the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) resigned citing an agency that was pursuing contrary goals to that of actually protecting the environment.

Former US vice president Al Gore is no stranger to these tactics. As perhaps the most widely recognizable face in the fight against global warming he has been scoffed at and ridiculed by the same individuals who would have us believe global warming is nothing more than a myth!

Recently in 2007 several scientists have gone on public record citing claims of a Gestapo-like environment of intimidation to produce figures and reports that belied the true extent of global warming!

Cause Of Global Warming

The unprecedented super-accelerated rate of global warming happening today is due to the amount of greenhouse gases being spewed into the atmosphere.

The most notorious greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) because it so happens to be the biggest single contributing factor to global warming (CO2 comprises more than 75% of all greenhouse gases). So what's spewing all that CO2 in the air? Simply put--mankind and his toys!

Some of the biggest greenhouse gas pollutants include automobiles; electricity production; planes; shipping and the various manufacturing industries dotted all over the globe.

Science Of Global Warming

This article is intentionally not an in-depth treatise of the process of global warming, but having said that, here's a brief explanation:

The rays from the sun are comprised of shortwave solar radiation which pass through the atmosphere and are then absorbed by the earth thereby warming it. Part of that absorbed energy is reflected back to the atmosphere as long wave infrared radiation which is mostly trapped by the greenhouse gases. This trapped heat ensures that the earth is approximately warmer by 33 degrees Celsius than it would otherwise be.

This trapped heat is actually good for us, for were it not for those greenhouse gases and other constituents in the atmosphere that trap heat, the earth would be as cold as Mars which has for all intents and purpose no atmosphere to speak of.

Over the past century the earth has gotten warmer by approximately 0.7 degrees Celsius. This may not seem like much until you consider that the difference between the average earth temperature of today and another ice age is a mere 5 degrees Celsius!

Global Warming Or Global Fraud
Global warming must be real! After all we have top scientists and even failed presidential candidates who says so. With 86% of Europeans polled stating that they "[feel] that humans [are] a direct cause of climate change, and 45 percent believed it could be a threat to them and their families within their lifetimes. Sixty-eight percent said they would either strongly or somewhat support limitations on their purchasing and behavior in support of combating global warming" it is only a matter of time for the skeptical Americans to fall victim to more government control. Those polled said it all, they would be "either strongly or somewhat support[ing] limitations on their...behavior" (Rohinsky) in order to curb a climate threat. This statistic is quite frightening, not because of the climate threat, but because of the vulnerability such beliefs have upon freedoms. By analyzing the nature of scientific studies, past theories, and the current evidence for global warming, it will become obvious that global warming is not a definitive theory, or even a legitimate one at that, and that the sole purpose of such a theory is to allow government to regulate and control every aspect of our lives.

To clearly understand that the sole purpose of the idea of global warming is to control us, we should look at some of the basic history of the theory. On June 24th, 1972 Time Magazine ran an article titled, "Another Ice Age." In this article is reports from the top scientists of the day including Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory stated that the next ice age was on its way. With reports of 12% increases in ice and snow in the northern hemisphere, temperature drops of 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1940, droughts, cold winters and a entire range of climate irregularities, the conclusion was that of a global cooling.

When we jump forward a couple of decades, the s almost no one has even heard of global cooling, and global warming is the latest idea. All of a sudden, global temperatures had risen, the polar ice caps were melting, and the ozone is nothing short of destroyed. Once again the evidence is lacking, a lot of it is questionable and the only solution for this is for the fearful citizens of the planet to give up some freedoms in order to combat pollution, CO2 emissions, destruction of resources that may combat the warming... The list does not end.

Since the theory of global warming has seen some challenges from a growing number of scientists, the name has once again changed. Now, as even the EPA's website lists it, it is called "Global Climate Change." Global cooling was proven wrong when we all realized temperatures were not staying cool, global warming was proven wrong when the science did not add up (as will be explored further in this paper), so the only solution for the agencies and government to look to was to rename the same wrong theories of the past with a vague, cover all name that is "Global Climate Change." While it has not been proven global climates are changing, it is vague enough to cover any climate pattern that may seem irregular or unexpected, when in fact chance or timing may be responsible rather than the tragedy of climate change.

Since global cooling has now been dismissed it is not needed to completely debunk that form of climate change, but for global warming, an alarming number of citizens around the world believe in it. In 2007, 82% of Americans believed in global warming, rather stunning considering the fact that a growing number of scientists are voicing opposition to the theory. In 1998 Dr. Arthur Robinson, Director of the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine launched a petition for those who have degrees and science qualifications to sign if they are skeptics of the idea of global warming. 32,000 individuals with backgrounds in science signed the petition including over 9,000 with PhD's, far more than the 2,500 scientific reviewers the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used in claiming there was a scientific consensus that global warming is real.

With such a consensus, how come the opposition was 12 times larger? The consensus that all the loyal global warming activists and government officials always talk about just is not there. They want us to believe that the debate is over and now is the time for action, rather than continued research to actually prove it exists. With such a growing opposition, perhaps it is important to actually look at the facts to understand how the theory has come to be attacked as non- plausible and to see what does not add up to cause such disbelief.

To start off with, we should address the question on whether the planet is actually warming. Warming is pretty much defined as an increase in temperature, and global of course means all across the globe. For global warming to be real, then we of course need a warming globe. Common sense really, but then again, common sense might also suggest that the planet is cooling, not warming. For a decade now, 10 years, the planet has experienced cooling (Carter). 1998 was the last year in which warming occurred and since then, including last year the global temperatures have cooled and show no sign of warming this year either.

Temperatures since 2005 have dropped so drastically that all the warming that took place since the 1980's was canceled out. When a devotee to the global warming cause hears these facts they usually say, " 'how silly to judge climate change over such a short period'. Yet in the next breath, the same person will assure you that the 28-year-long period of warming which occurred between 1970 and 1998 constitutes a dangerous (and man-made) warming" (Carter). They also mention that of course some cooling would have to occur when you start tallying after 1998, since 1998 was a record high year. Well they are forgetting to mention that 1998 was such a record high year because it was a El Nino year, which is a natural cycle that leads to higher temperatures. As they forget to mention that, we also ignore the fact that they also use the cooling of 1965 as their base line. Something else to consider is that the warmest year in recent history in North America was in 1934.

Forget 2012, Asteroids, and Global Warming - Fear Earth's Magnetic Pole Flip
Okay, so you've lived through the cold war, Ice Age, Y2K, Peak Oil, Bird Flu, International Terrorists, and you are worried now about what exactly? Oh yes, Global Warming and 2012, but of course, ha ha ha. Aren't you getting too old for all this mass media hysteria and nonsense already? I mean how many decades do you have to live through before you realize these are all merely created realities to make you fear, knock you off your game, or transfer wealth.

Not long ago, I was discussing all this with a conspiracy theorists, and he asked; "Have you studied the magnetic poles and the consequences of a flip?" OMG I told him, okay so, forget 2012, asteroids, and Global Warming; fear Earth's Magnetic Pole Flip! Okay fine. Well, here is the thing, I actually have read up on this so I told him;

Yes, I have looked at the available information, listened to the late night talk-show hosts, and read up on this somewhat. Seems to be a lot of theories out there, and yet, we've never observed this, and I've never seen any computer modeling, not that I'd ever trust human computer modeling with such an important thing.

If this is a cyclical occurrence, then it would indeed explain much of the human record, holes in evolutionary theory, explanation of 26,000 year old pyramids under the ground near the Ukraine and lots of ancient tales of past civilizations. But, I am a huge skeptic, and I'd like to observe another planet going through such gyrations before too much over speculation.

He then claimed that; "we are 1000+ years overdue for a polar flip, where the North and South magnetic poles reverse. When I was born magnetic North travelled almost a mile a year. It has been accelerating for 50+ years now and today travels over 30 miles a year."

Sure, and this could account for all the warming of the Northern ice caps, a couple of degrees in tilt, off cycle from what we consider the normal tilt in relation to the Sun could cause that. Throw in some urban heat, El Niรฑo's, etc. and all the current events, ice melting, ambient atmospheric temps, altitudes of upper atmosphere separations is all accounted for.

He said, "But you don't understand we are all going to die, this is serious; polar reversals in the past gave hints of change and then BANG the flip occurred within months."

Okay, I suppose this is all possible, so I told him could be, as that is how nature often works, take a car going around a corner too fast, you hear the tires squeal but the car continues going around the corner, and at the tipping point, it breaks lose, you suspect it might, and have warnings, but never know exactly when.

Even if you can calculate the avalanche of a giant sand hill in the Sarah Desert, you do not know exactly when it will occur, just that you are on the edge. But in planetary tectonic plate terms, this could be not micro-seconds like the car, or hours or days like the sand hill, it could be decades, centuries, or more. Have you read up on the HARRP project and the original theories of using it to stabilize the planet, atmosphere, communicate, and control things? It's interesting. It sure makes a lot of sense to me.

He continued to attempt to scare me on all this stuff and claimed; "the reversals were preceded by magnetic poles accelerating, but the actual flipping is quick."

Okay, so I challenged his data and asked for specifics; How does one know this, what human had a compass and measurement last time it happened? Has it been simulated in the Lab? Well, anyway, I love the theory, and it would be more than cool for a movie like CORE, 2012, or future Sci Fi genre.

But he said; "when this happens it will result in solar wind pressure on the atmosphere and possible EMP (electromagnetic pulse) events over the entire planet which could conceivably induce electrical arcs over power lines and motor contacts."

Now then, may as well play with all this some more, after all, I am sitting in Starbucks and who knows where these people come from, so I said; Yes, it would in theory screw up everything in our modern civilizations, and it would take a bit of time even after the re-alignment and bring it all back. It could take 10-years with maximum productivity to re-stabilize civilization, and back to present day 20-years + educational backlog and bottlenecks.

It would kill off lots of people; weather would be insane, 600 plus miles per hour at the surface in some areas. Earthquakes would leave much of everything not standing. Rubble everywhere, well, in theory, or it could be a gradual non-event for those living in certain areas, and major disaster for others?

He reminded me of some recent history; "Remember reading about fires starting from telegraph lines in the 1880's when they had a big solar flare event?" And I have to admit; yes, that was a very interesting event, perhaps solar flares, cosmic weather, etc, hard to say for sure. He told me that; we won't care about global warming because we will be starving.

Stop Global Warming
Do you want to really clamp down on greenhouse gas emissions starting now? If so, you have come to the right place. I have some potentially winning political arguments for you, arguments that can cut across party lines and get the ball rolling. That said, the arguments are subtle and at odds with most of what you hear in the eco echo chambers, so get yourself a cup of coffee and settle down for some serious reading.
Conversely, are you a conservative climate skeptic who loathes tofu, tiny cars, compact fluorescent light bulbs and not so compact cap and trade legislation? You too have come to the right place. For I write not to challenge your underlying values, but to fulfill them.
This is Holistic Politics. Preserving nature and the American Way are both important here. The key to finding such win-win solutions is to move the discussion away from whether climate change is a serious problem to how to stop global warming while preserving liberty and modern luxuries.
For all you environmentalists in the audience who find our modern ways decadent and desire to take emergency action now, know this: the compelling scientific argument for radical action does not exist yet. The beginnings of such an argument may exist within the scientific literature, but can The People understand it? I have a (rusty) PhD in theoretical physics and extensive experience with nonlinear sets of partial differential equations, but I still would need an uninterrupted semester or two to bone up on fluid dynamics and a few other subjects I could begin reading the primary literature with some degree of comprehension. Give me a year and I might even run some climate simulations of my own. (NVidia’s CUDA technology makes supercomputing affordable.) But I don’t have that year; I have a toddler and a day job. The average citizen is even more constrained.
Just how should the average citizen to make an intelligent choice? Should they trust the experts? If so, which experts? Which are trustworthy and which are biased?
It takes education, intellect and a great deal of time just to become an expert. For most this requires getting paid for it. In other words few experts are disinterested. Government scientists get more grants and PBS appearances when they dig up scary data and make exciting conjectures. Oil company scientists get hired to sow doubt. Either could do good science but both are tempted to spin and fudge. The only way to be a disinterested expert is to be intelligent and independently wealthy (or have a wealthy patron). Michael Crichton fit the bill -- but that doesn’t mean he was right. Even the economically disinterested can have preconceptions, political or otherwise.
And even the perfect disinterested expert can still be wrong. Climate science is hard. Yes, extra carbon dioxide does cause global warming. This is undergrad knowledge. The quadrillion dollar question is: how much? Carbon dioxide is not the earth’s primary greenhouse gas; water vapor has that honor. But carbon dioxide’s minor contribution can increase water vapor in the air, especially over the poles where the air is currently very dry because cold air holds little moisture. But the extra water vapor might turn into clouds, which reflect sunlight, which cools the planet. And what happens to the air and water currents when less heat escapes on the poles? What happens to plant growth? How much carbon dioxide can the oceans hold? What happens if the permafrost thaws releasing tons of methane? Feedback abounds; small modeling errors can lead to very wrong predictions.
The only true referee we have in this debate is experiment. And the only laboratory we have is Planet Earth. Oops! We won’t truly know if global warming is a real problem until it becomes a serious problem. Conversely, we could spend tens of trillions of dollars to stop global warming and never know if we needed to.
Maybe future scientists may come up with models so powerful and accurate that we can close the debate without doing the experiment. But will they do so before we need to take action? I’m not banking on it. I opt to invoke the Precautionary Principle. If we have a 1% chance of a future $100 trillion disaster by doing nothing, then any insurance plan that cost less than $1trillion is a good buy[1]. If the insurance costs more, it pays to wait and gather more data.
This is the key to bringing more climate skeptics on board. Conservatives invoke the Precautionary Principle frequently -- when it comes to national defense. Many conservatives are personally conservative: they play it safe and buy insurance. Climate change action is insurance. Put aside the tie-die, the earth hugging, the guilt tripping and the neo-paganism and talk the language of insurance, and you can reach out to a new audience. But this is a financially sophisticated audience. They won’t just buy any insurance.
This is where so many environmentalists blow it. They advocate a whole raft of half-baked, expensive, inappropriate, and/or unpleasant greenhouse gas reduction schemes whose total net cost is well above the reasonable insurance cost. And so millions of reasonable people take a wait and see attitude. To motivate these millions into action, said environmentalists must either resort to exaggerating the future cost of inaction or the probability of the pessimistic scenarios. Eventually, the oil company shills look objective by comparison. Environmental action backfires.
And this is why I have the temerity to claim I have a politically viable resolution, despite the much larger efforts of others on both sides. I cheat. Economics is easier than climate science. Whereas I don’t have a degree in the subject, I can still do an order of magnitude better than politicians busy kissing babies and collecting special interest money or hippie activists who flinch in revulsion at talk of money and numbers. With a bit of undergrad economics, creativity, and common sense I can come up with a credible plan to stop global warming which meets the [admittedly simplistic] insurance criterion above—even for skeptics. This is a “how to” vs. a “why to” guide, but it should be more convincing to conservatives to take climate change seriously than any article from a scientific journal. Conversely, conservatives can use the following articles to defend themselves from socialistic environmentalists by providing credible alternatives which preserve traditional American liberties as they preserve the environment.