Global warming must be real! After all we have top scientists and even failed presidential candidates who says so. With 86% of Europeans polled stating that they "[feel] that humans [are] a direct cause of climate change, and 45 percent believed it could be a threat to them and their families within their lifetimes. Sixty-eight percent said they would either strongly or somewhat support limitations on their purchasing and behavior in support of combating global warming" it is only a matter of time for the skeptical Americans to fall victim to more government control. Those polled said it all, they would be "either strongly or somewhat support[ing] limitations on their...behavior" (Rohinsky) in order to curb a climate threat. This statistic is quite frightening, not because of the climate threat, but because of the vulnerability such beliefs have upon freedoms. By analyzing the nature of scientific studies, past theories, and the current evidence for global warming, it will become obvious that global warming is not a definitive theory, or even a legitimate one at that, and that the sole purpose of such a theory is to allow government to regulate and control every aspect of our lives.
To clearly understand that the sole purpose of the idea of global warming is to control us, we should look at some of the basic history of the theory. On June 24th, 1972 Time Magazine ran an article titled, "Another Ice Age." In this article is reports from the top scientists of the day including Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory stated that the next ice age was on its way. With reports of 12% increases in ice and snow in the northern hemisphere, temperature drops of 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1940, droughts, cold winters and a entire range of climate irregularities, the conclusion was that of a global cooling.
When we jump forward a couple of decades, the s almost no one has even heard of global cooling, and global warming is the latest idea. All of a sudden, global temperatures had risen, the polar ice caps were melting, and the ozone is nothing short of destroyed. Once again the evidence is lacking, a lot of it is questionable and the only solution for this is for the fearful citizens of the planet to give up some freedoms in order to combat pollution, CO2 emissions, destruction of resources that may combat the warming... The list does not end.
Since the theory of global warming has seen some challenges from a growing number of scientists, the name has once again changed. Now, as even the EPA's website lists it, it is called "Global Climate Change." Global cooling was proven wrong when we all realized temperatures were not staying cool, global warming was proven wrong when the science did not add up (as will be explored further in this paper), so the only solution for the agencies and government to look to was to rename the same wrong theories of the past with a vague, cover all name that is "Global Climate Change." While it has not been proven global climates are changing, it is vague enough to cover any climate pattern that may seem irregular or unexpected, when in fact chance or timing may be responsible rather than the tragedy of climate change.
Since global cooling has now been dismissed it is not needed to completely debunk that form of climate change, but for global warming, an alarming number of citizens around the world believe in it. In 2007, 82% of Americans believed in global warming, rather stunning considering the fact that a growing number of scientists are voicing opposition to the theory. In 1998 Dr. Arthur Robinson, Director of the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine launched a petition for those who have degrees and science qualifications to sign if they are skeptics of the idea of global warming. 32,000 individuals with backgrounds in science signed the petition including over 9,000 with PhD's, far more than the 2,500 scientific reviewers the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used in claiming there was a scientific consensus that global warming is real.
With such a consensus, how come the opposition was 12 times larger? The consensus that all the loyal global warming activists and government officials always talk about just is not there. They want us to believe that the debate is over and now is the time for action, rather than continued research to actually prove it exists. With such a growing opposition, perhaps it is important to actually look at the facts to understand how the theory has come to be attacked as non- plausible and to see what does not add up to cause such disbelief.
To start off with, we should address the question on whether the planet is actually warming. Warming is pretty much defined as an increase in temperature, and global of course means all across the globe. For global warming to be real, then we of course need a warming globe. Common sense really, but then again, common sense might also suggest that the planet is cooling, not warming. For a decade now, 10 years, the planet has experienced cooling (Carter). 1998 was the last year in which warming occurred and since then, including last year the global temperatures have cooled and show no sign of warming this year either.
Temperatures since 2005 have dropped so drastically that all the warming that took place since the 1980's was canceled out. When a devotee to the global warming cause hears these facts they usually say, " 'how silly to judge climate change over such a short period'. Yet in the next breath, the same person will assure you that the 28-year-long period of warming which occurred between 1970 and 1998 constitutes a dangerous (and man-made) warming" (Carter). They also mention that of course some cooling would have to occur when you start tallying after 1998, since 1998 was a record high year. Well they are forgetting to mention that 1998 was such a record high year because it was a El Nino year, which is a natural cycle that leads to higher temperatures. As they forget to mention that, we also ignore the fact that they also use the cooling of 1965 as their base line. Something else to consider is that the warmest year in recent history in North America was in 1934.