Causes of Global Warming On Earth

What is Global Warming (Global Warming ?

Maybe you never imagine being in a car that was sealed during the day. Sunlight can freely enter the room through the windshield, causing the air in the car to over heat. The air in the car warms up, the heat incoming sunlight can not freely exit. So the heat is trapped in the car.

So it is with global warming. The sun emits radiation to penetrate the Earth's upper atmosphere of the earth. Radiation will be reflected back into space, but some of the wave is absorbed by greenhouse gases, ie CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, and SF4 which is in the atmosphere. As a result, the trapped waves in the Earth's atmosphere. This event occurs repeatedly, causing the average temperature at the earth's surface increases. The event is often referred to as global warming.

What Are the Causes of Global Warming?
Global warming is a global phenomenon that is caused by human activities around the world, population increase, and the growth of technology and industry. Therefore, the global impact events. Some human activities that cause global warming consists of:

Consumption of fossil fuel energy. The industrial sector is the largest contributor to carbon emissions, while transportation second. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2003), the consumption of fossil fuel energy consuming as much as 70% of total energy consumption, while electricity takes second place with 10% of total energy consumption. From this sector, Indonesia emit greenhouse gases at 24.84% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.

Indonesia is the largest energy consuming country in Asia after China, Japan, India and South Korea. Large energy consumption is obtained due to the large population using fossil fuels as an energy source, although in the calculation of energy use per person in the developing world, is not as energy use per person in the developed world. According to Prof. Emil Salim, USA CO2/orang emit 20 tons per year with a population of 1.1 billion people, China CO2/orang emits 3 tons per year by the number of 1.3 billion people, while India emits 1.2 tonnes CO2/orang by the number 1 billion people.

Thus, the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere from this sector is related to lifestyle and population. USA is a country with a population that has a very extravagant lifestyle, the consumption of energy derived from fossil fuels, in contrast to a number of developing countries that emit greenhouse gases, due to the accumulation of large population.

Trash. Waste methane gas (CH4). An estimated 1 ton of solid waste produces 50 kg of methane gas. Garbage is a major problem faced by cities in Indonesia. According to the Ministry of Environment in 1995 the average person in urban areas in Indonesia produce waste as much as 0.8 kg / day in 2000 and continued to increase to 1 kg / day. On the other hand the population continues to increase, it is estimated, by 2020 the waste produced 500 million kg / day or 190 thousand tons / year. With this amount the waste will emit methane gas by 9500 tons / year. Thus, urban waste is a potential sector, accelerate the process of global warming.

Deforestation. One of the functions of plants that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of the greenhouse gases, and turn it into oxygen (O2). Currently in Indonesia has been known to severe deforestation. The rate of forest destruction in Indonesia, according to data from Forest Watch Indonesia (2001), about 2.2 million / year. Damage caused by forest fires, land-use change, among others, changes in forest into plantations with a single crop on a large scale, such as palm oil, as well as damage caused by forest concession holders (HPH) and Industrial Forest Plantation (HTI). With damage as mentioned above, of course, the process of absorption of carbon dioxide can not be optimal. This will speed up global warming.

According to data from the Rainbow Foundation, in 1990, CO2 emissions released by the forestry sector, including changes in land use, reaching 64% of total CO2 emissions of Indonesia reached 748.61 kilotons. In 1994 there was an increase to 74% of carbon emissions.

Agriculture and animal husbandry. This sector contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions through flooded rice fields that produce methane gas, fertilizer use and agricultural practices, the burning of crop residues, and decaying remnants of agriculture, and livestock manure decomposition. This sector generated greenhouse gases are methane (CH4) gas and dinitro oxide (N20). In Indonesia, agriculture and livestock sector accounts for emissions of greenhouse gases by 8:05% of the total greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

Impact of Global Warming
As a global phenomenon, the impact of global warming is felt by all people in the world, including Indonesia. The position of Indonesia as an archipelago, Indonesia put in a state vulnerable to global warming. As a result of global warming, Indonesia will face events:
First, the rise in global temperatures, causing the melting of ice at the north pole and south, resulting in the expansion of ocean water masses, and rising sea levels. This will decrease the production of fish and shrimp ponds, and the bleaching of coral reefs (coral bleaching), and the extinction of various species of fish. In addition, rising sea levels will lead to small islands in Indonesia and the ramps will be lost. Another threat facing society is the deterioration of groundwater quality, as a result of the entry or leakage of sea water, as well as urban infrastructure damaged as a result flooded by seawater.

Second, the shift of the season as a result of changes in rainfall patterns. Climate change resulting in a high rainfall intensity in a short period and a long dry season. In some places there is an increase in rainfall thus increasing the chances of flooding and landslides, while in other places there is a decrease in rainfall of potential drought. Most of the watershed (DAS) will be differences in the level of high tide and low tide are more sharply. This resulted in an increased frequency of flooding or drought. This condition will get worse if the capacity of a river or reservoir agency is not maintained due to erosion.

Both of these events will have an impact on some sectors, namely:

Forestry. The change of several species of flora and fauna. The temperature rise will be a factor selectors nature, where species that can adapt will survive and, in fact likely to proliferate rapidly. While the species that are not able to adapt, will become extinct. The existence of fires as a result of rising temperatures around the forest, causing the grass and twigs that dries flammable. In addition, forest fires cause the extinction of various biodiversity.

Fisheries. Increased ocean temperatures cause coral bleaching and subsequent death of coral reefs, as a habitat for many species of fish. Rising ocean temperatures also trigger the migration of fish are sensitive to temperature changes on a large scale leading to cooler areas. Events demise of coral reefs and fish migration, economically, because it lowers harmful fishermen their catch.

Agriculture. In general, all forms of agricultural systems are sensitive to climate change. Climate change results in a shift in seasons and rainfall patterns change. It will impact on farming, for example, delay planting or harvesting, planting failure, or harvest due to floods, landslides and drought. Resulting in a drop in food production in Indonesia. In short, climate change will affect food security.

Health. The impact of global warming in this sector is increasing the frequency of tropical diseases, such as mosquito-borne diseases (malaria and dengue), outbreaks of diarrhea, sickness or leptospirasis rat urine and skin diseases. The increase in temperature will cause the shorter the incubation period so that mosquitoes mosquitoes to multiply faster. Catastrophic floods would cause contamination of water supplies, causing outbreaks of diarrhea and leptospirosis disease in the post-flood. Meanwhile, the drought will cause water crisis affecting the onset of diarrhea and skin diseases. Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) is also a threat as forest fires.

In addition to the impact of the above, there were some extraordinary events that indicate global warming, namely:
    The year 2005 was the warmest. NASA reported that the global average temperature has increased by 0.060 C.
    Disbursement greatest Arctic in 2005. The results of one of the satellite photos show permanently ice-covered area is the narrowest area in the late summer of 2005.
    The year 2005 was the warmest water in the Caribbean, longer than ever and lead to coral bleaching (coral bleaching) along the major areas of the Caribbean to Florida Keys, USA.
    2005 was recorded as the year with the highest storm names. There are 26 names storms that exceed the official roster. This year there are also about 14 storms, called the storm (hurricane), because it has wind speeds exceeding 119 km / h. Previous year's record of only 12 storms a year. 2005 was also a year with the most category 5 hurricane with winds of 249 km / h. The year 2005 was the most expensive losses due to the storm.
    2005 was the driest year ever since a few decades ago in the Amazon, South America. And the western United States suffer from drought.