Global warming refers to an increase in the Earth’s average surface air temperature. Global warming and cooling in themselves are not necessarily bad, since the Earth has gone through cycles of temperature change many times in its 4.5 billion years. However, as used today, global warming usually means a fast, unnatural increase that is enough to cause the expected climate conditions to change rapidly and often cataclysmically. Our planet is warmed by radiant energy from the sun that reaches the surface through the atmosphere. As the surface warms, heat energy reflects back toward space; meanwhile, gases in the atmosphere absorb some of this energy and reradiate it near the surface. This is often called the greenhouse effect, named for the way heat increases inside a glass enclosure. In the greenhouse effect around Earth, the atmosphere can be visualized as a blanket that is made thicker by the action of a small amount of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, other gases, and soot; it thus holds in more heat, forcing air temperature higher. The scientific term for this action is, in fact, “forcing.” On an average day, this effect is caused by water vapor and clouds (75 percent) and carbon dioxide (20 percent), with the rest fthe heating caused by other gases. Relatively small additions of carbon dioxide and methane force more heat, and that heat allows the air to hold more water vapor, creating a feedback loop that magnifies the effect. Although water vapor is naturally prevalent in the atmosphere, it does not trap as much heat per molecule as carbon dioxide and methane. Also, water vapor molecules cycle through the atmosphere in only a few days, a brief period compared to the residence time of CO2,which persists for many decades and creates some warming even after as long as three hundred years. Dust and aerosol chemicals in the air cause some cooling (negative forcing); they are also very short lived. Even though the gases are measured only in parts per million (ppm) or billion (ppb), they have been powerfully, and naturally, influencing the Earth’s temperature for millions of years. Without them, instead of an average air temperature of about 58°F (14.5°C), the Earth would be below the freezing point. Life as we know it now would be impossible. Earth’s temperature is also subject to natural forcing cycles from solar radiation and the movement of the planet around the sun. Scientists think these cycles, which have left a visible signature extending back millions of years, arewhat led to past iceages and the warming that ended them. Currently, we are in a period between major iceages. The last great glaciation, when temperatures were about 10°to 12°F (6°to7°C) cooler than today, began fading away about 18,000 yearsago. The initial transition out of the ice age was unstable,with many rapid temperature shifts. As temperatures warmed, climate was affected. Climate is the accumulation of weather effects—wind, rainfall, heat, cold—experienced in a place over many years, an average of thousands of days’ worth of weather. Climate is what one expects in a certain place; weather is what occurs day by day. One result of global temperature increase or decrease is climate change, referring to a shift in not only average local temperature but also rain- and snowfall, cloudiness and storms, the seasons, and river flow, with associated impacts on the biosphere, the portion of the Earth and its atmosphere that supports life. Although in our daily lives we are attuned to day-by-day swings of temperature and weather, the long-term changes of climate and average Earth temperature are more difficult to apprehend. During most of the more recent past (say, 10-11,000 years), the concentration of greenhouse gases remained relatively stable, and so did the Earth’s temperature and climate. This was the time when humans developed civilizations and learned how to build cities, grow food, and invent machines. It is possible that early farming and forest clearing had a warming effect on the Earth beginning five thousand to eight thousand years ago. There are also a few examples of natural temperature shifts, such as the Medieval Warm Period, which was followed by the Little Ice Age in the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries. These were possibly not global in extent, and there is scientific disagreement over their causes which seem to have included periods of solar radiation increase and decrease and volcanic eruptions. During the Industrial Revolution, people began to use coal and, later, petroleum, to heat cities and run machines. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a by-product of burning both coal and oil, began to increase. Since then, levels of carbon dioxide have risen by almost 35 percent, methane concentrations (coming from ricefields, cattle, landfills, and leaks of natural gas) have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations (another by-product of oil) have gone up by about 15 percent. Some chemicals invented by humans, like chlorofluorocarbons, are also greenhouse gases. Increased greenhouse gases mean more heat is kept in the atmosphere, which led beginning in the late 1800s to arise in both ocean and air temperature. Between then and 1945, world temperature rose but then leveled off and even decreased a little through the 1960s. The best explanation for that dip appears to be the rise in industrial air pollution during and after the war years, including dust and sulfur, which, as aerosols, cool the atmosphere. Beginning in the 60s, laws mandated the reduction of aerosol pollution. The sun’s luminosity varied a little through these years, but this appears to have had only minor influence The recent increase in atmospheric CO2 is 200 times as great as any previous change known and the current level is 385 parts per million, the highest seen in 800,000 years of deep glacier ice core records. It shows no signs of decreasing. Since the 1970s atmospheric heat has been rapidly increasing. Whereas the average temperature of the planet rose about 1°F (0.6°C) between the mid-nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth, in the past twenty-five years alone the temperature has risen just over 0.8°F (0.5°C). (The last ice age would have ended in only four hundred years—instead of many thousands—at this rate of heating.) The total heating from the late nineteenth century to 2005 is 1.4°F (0.8°C). The ocean has actually absorbed most of the added CO2 and heat -- becoming warmer and very slightly more acidic. The only explanation that comports with data and observations of sun, atmosphere and ocean is the steep rise in greenhouse gases. This rise has been shown to be the result not of natural changes but of human activities ( "antropogenic"), primarily the burning of fossil fuels but also farming and forest clearing. Extensive urbanization, air pollution, forrest fires and increased pumping of water have caused regional change as well. Furthermore, scientists know the added carbon dioxide comes from our actions because this CO2 has an unmistakable chemical signature. This research has created what has become the single most powerful icon of climate change, the so-called "hockey-stick" graph of temperatures. In 2005-6 it was subjected to intense re-analysis. Evidence of previous cool and warm periods has increased, but the rapid and sustained heat gain especially since the 1970s remains unparalleled in recent earth history. All this evidence, plus the vast range of changes to plants, animals, storms and glaciers which correlate strongly to the measured temperature rise, caused world climate scientists to declare in 2007 that "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal," and that there is more than a 90 percent assurance that "most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is ... due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." (see below) These increases have a giant effect on weather, climate zones, plants and animals, sea life, glaciers and river flow. In response, our planet has been changing with warming winds and rising seas. The 10 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1997, according to meteorologists. 2005 and 1998 were the warmest. At the poles and in mountains, ice is melting and glaciers are receding. Arctic sea ice reach the smallest summer extent ever recorded in the past few years. Even in Antarctica, where winter sea ice has been larger in extent recently, it melts back much more than before in the summers, affecting the food supply of whales and penguins. The planet has heavier downpours now but also deeper droughts. Down into the temperate zone, change is rearranging the boundaries of life. The plants and animals with whom we share the planet are adapting and moving -- some even going extinct -- because they have no choice. We six billion humans are being affected, too. Coastal towns are suffering from rising sea level, storms are getting more intense and 35,000 people died in European heat waves in 2003. However, we have choices to make to help correct and ameliorate global warming. This is a story of frightening scale and and great urgency that is just beginning to be told. Locations documented by Gary Braasch in World View of Global Warming, 1999-2010 Resource
Observations of Ozone Depleting Gases
Ozone Depleting Gases
The ODGI is estimated directly from observations at Earth’s surface of the most abundant long-lived, chlorine and bromine containing gases regulated by the Montreal Protocol (15 individual chemicals). These ongoing surface-based observations provide a measure of the total number of chlorine and bromine atoms in the atmosphere that are likely to reach the stratosphere and contribute to ozone depletion in the near future. Because air reaching the Antarctic stratosphere has been isolated from the troposphere for a long period (~6 years on average), nearly all of the halocarbons reaching the Antarctic stratosphere during springtime have degraded to inorganic forms that are potential ozone-depleting agents. When the enhanced efficiency of bromine to destroy ozone compared to chlorine is also considered, this total halogen amount is called the Equivalent Chlorine (ECl) burden of the atmosphere (Montzka et al., 1996).The calculation of the ODGI for mid-latitudes of both hemispheres is different than for Antarctica primarily because air in the mid-latitude stratosphere has a younger mean ‘stratospheric age’ (~3 years) compared to air above Antarctica. As a result, halocarbons in the mid-latitude stratosphere have had less time to become degraded by high-energy solar radiation. By accounting for compound-dependent degradation rates in the stratosphere, a younger mean stratospheric air age, and the enhanced efficiency for bromine to destroy ozone compared to chlorine, a quantity known as the Equivalent Effective Chlorine (EECl) can be derived to represent how the burden of ozone-depleting halogenated gases is changing in the mid-latitude stratosphere (Daniel et al., 1995; Montzka et al., 1996).
Figure 2 shows ECl (for Antarctica) and EECl (for midlatitudes) vs time calculated primarily from NOAA’s surface-based measurements and compares them with future projections provided by the 2007 WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion baseline scenario (Daniel et al., 2007). Different lag times have been applied to observed and projected tropospheric changes (indicated as solid lines and points) to approximate stratospheric changes in different regions (dashed lines). While a lag time of 6 years is used here to account for the time it takes for gases at Earth’s surface to reach the Antarctic stratosphere, a mean lag of about 3 years is more appropriate when considering air transport to the stratosphere at mid-latitudes.
Some Global warming Issues
Global warming Issues
Sea Level risingThe deep ocean seafloor is often a cold, dark place, barren of life. But from time to time a large bounty such as a whale carcass will drift down from the surface. Then sea life explodes: all manner of worms and other invertebrates arrive in larval form to colonize the dead organic matter and population increases dramatically — for a short time. Inevitably the resource dwindles and the population collapses.
In a similar fashion, humans now live upon the resource of dead organic matter. We’ve found our dead whale below ground, in the form of oil, gas and coal — the fossil remains of plants that lived long ago.
Fossil energy has fueled the advent and development of the industrial age and allowed human population to explode. The product of our industrial respiration, carbon dioxide (CO2), has increased in the atmosphere and now threatens to spoil our nest. The atmosphere does more than provide us with oxygen to breathe, it controls the heat balance of the world. The trouble is, compared to the ocean, the atmosphere is relatively small in mass, so human-induced changes can affect it dramatically. READ MORE....
global warming effects on glaciers
Global warming effects on glaciers
Alaska one of the most amazing states that is a part of world’s most powerful country USA has something for everyone. In true means many have described this part of world as the ultimate nature’s gift to earth. If someone has not visited and felt the beauty of Alaska then he/she needs to explore it at least once in his/her lifespan. Nature’s beauty is something that can’t be understood until and unless you experience it physically! So, it’s the right time for you to explore Alaska with Alaska cruise lines. The inhibit beauty among its mountains, glaciers, and ocean has dragged many attention since long days. Alaska as a perfect destination to spend holidays has a romance about it. This exact romance has really differentiated Alaska from other vacation spots. When comparing to rest of the United States, Alaska remains at the top slot as far as the nature’s gift to this land are concerned. It appears to be quite dissimilar to the other vacation spots present on United States.Alaska cruise is something that many nature tourists prefer to book in the main season so that they can explore the nature more closely. Any other way is not that much effective for a nature tourist to accomplish his/her desire and this is the reason why the popularity of Alaska cruise is too high among travelers that seeks to pay a visit to the wonderful land of Alaska. As a traveler on an Alaska cruise you will find more good reasons such as getting up close and personal to the wonderful views of the Alaskan glaciers and sea creatures that gets more active during the month of May to September.
Global warming is another important fact that has certainly propelled many to see the glaciers at Alaska. The subsequent increase in temperature has really affected glaciers all around the world and Alaskan glaciers are not far from it. These formations that slowly grew over million of years have started melting. This single fact has certainly fueled interest in watching these great glaciers.
NEWS BY ScienceDaily (Nov. 23, 2010)
Global warming News
Cloud Study Predicts More Global WarmingScienceDaily (Nov. 23, 2010) — Current state-of-the-art global climate models predict substantial warming in response to increases in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The models, though, disagree widely in the magnitude of the warming we can expect. The disagreement among models is mainly due to the different representation of clouds. Some models predict that global mean cloud cover will increase in a warmer climate and the increased reflection of solar radiation will limit the predicted global warming. Other models predict reduced cloudiness and magnified warming.
In a paper that has just appeared in the Journal of Climate, researchers from the University of Hawaii Manoa (UHM) have assessed the performance of current global models in simulating clouds and have presented a new approach to determining the expected cloud feedbacks in a warmer climate.
Lead author Axel Lauer at the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) at UHM notes, "All the global climate models we analyzed have serious deficiencies in simulating the properties of clouds in present-day climate. It is unfortunate that the global models' greatest weakness may be in the one aspect that is most critical for predicting the magnitude of global warming."
To study the clouds, the researchers applied a model representing only a limited region of the atmosphere over the eastern Pacific Ocean and adjacent land areas. The clouds in this region are known to greatly influence present climate, yet current global models do poorly in representing them. The regional model, developed at the IPRC, successfully simulates key features of the region's present-day cloud fields, including the observed response of clouds to El Nino. Having evaluated the model's simulation of present-day conditions, the researchers examined the response of simulated clouds in a warmer climate such as it might be in 100 years from now. The tendency for clouds to thin and cloud cover to reduce was more pronounced in this model than in any of the current global models.
Co-author Kevin Hamilton concludes, "If our model results prove to be representative of the real global climate, then climate is actually more sensitive to perturbations by greenhouse gases than current global models predict, and even the highest warming predictions would underestimate the real change we could see."
This research was supported by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), by NASA through Grant NNX07AG53G, and by NOAA through Grant NA09OAR4320075, which sponsor research at the International Pacific Research Center. This research was also supported by NOAA/CPPA Grant NA07OAR4310257 and DOE Regional and Global Climate Modeling (RCGM) Program Grant ER64840
Global Warming Facts
Global Warming Facts
Global warming is caused by green house gases, which trap in the sun’s infrared rays in the earth’s atmosphere, which in turn heat up the earth’s atmosphere. These green house effect warming is called as global warming. The effects of green house effect are visible more prominently in the recent years, with number of natural calamities on the rise in the whole world.The global warming has happened in the past few years and is evident from the rise in mean temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. The main causes for the global warming are attributed to release of green house gases by human activities. The main gases contributing to green house effect are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide. The largest producers of these gases are the thermal power plants, which burn the fossil fuels and produce these gases in large quantities. The second biggest sources of these green house gases are the road vehicles and industries.
The global warming has led to increase in mean earth surface temperature and thus melting of polar ice. There are frequent melt down of glaciers that result in floods and other natural calamities. The melting of ice at the poles had led the mean sea level. And further increase in temperature may further melt the ice and lead to further increase in mean sea level, which will engulf low lying countries.
The effect of global warming is very evident on the animal kingdom also. Some animals have become extinct due to loss of their natural habitat or their inability to evolve to the rapid changes in the climate. Also there is a change in their life style because of the changes in the seasons. The migrating birds have changed their time of travel and also their place of migration.
The effect of global warming can be felt on seasons too. There is shift in season cycle, as the summers are getting longer than the winters. This has affected the animals and made them to change their lifestyle accordingly, and those who failed to do so have perished or on the verge of extinction.
The global warming is also responsible for the introduction of some new diseases. The bacteria are more effective and multiply much faster in warmer temperatures compared to cold temperatures. The increase in temperature has led to increase in the microbes that cause diseases.
Global warming is also effecting the crop production, as the crops are getting destroyed by the sudden change in temperatures or sudden on set of rains. Also the flash floods and other natural calamities affect the crop.
As a matter of fact, because of global warming, the earth’s atmosphere is getting more unpredictable with heavy rains in the areas, which have scanty rainfall or drought in the areas, which received good annual rainfall. The months of rainfall has also getting affected.
But there are some people on the other side of the wall also, they believe that the global warming is a natural process and cannot disturb our ecosystem. The earth’s surface mean temperature was even higher a long time ago, and the ecosystem has evolved from that temperature to this. So it can evolve further. But the changes that are happening now are rather fast compared to earlier times.
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Effects of global warming on agriculture
Effects of Global warming
One of the major causes of global warming is an increase in CO2. Some scientists think this will help plants.One of the things that will help plants is the weather will be warmer, making a longer growing season. If the plants have a longer growing season they will produce more fruit. Another thing is that more precipitation is anticipated. The United States Environmental Protection Agency ( U.S.E.P.A ) predicts a 7% increase in precipitation by the year 2060 and a 5 degree increase in the temperature. If there is an increase in precipitation, the plants will have plenty of water. Plus, plants breathe CO2 like we breathe oxygen. If there is warmer weather, an increase in precipitation, and lots of CO2, the plants will grow better instead of dying during global warming, right?
Some scientists don't think it will help plants. If the temperature increases, and the precipitation increases then the rain will evaporate faster because of the heat. We would need an increase of more than 7% just to have the same amount of water available for use as we do today. There will also be a dramatic change in weather compared to the weather of today. There will be periods of drought followed by periods of dramatic storms. A drought might occur when the plants have just sprouted up from the ground. They won't be able to survive the drought. The same thing will happen with storms. What if some wheat just got some nice full heads and a storm occurs? The storm will break the heads off and ruin the wheat. Another problem with drought and storms is that right after a drought the plants would be very weak. So when the storms come they will wash the plants away. Along with the storms there will be floods. The floods will wash the topsoil off of the fields into nearby creeks and rivers. The farmers won't have any topsoil to grow their plants on and the state will have to spend a lot of money to dredge the topsoil from the creeks and rivers.
In the desert there are places called fringe lands. Fringe lands are strips of land that are like a desert when it is very hot, but can grow things when there is enough rain. When global warming occurs there will be no fringe lands, therefore making the deserts larger.
Another problem with an increase in CO2 is that certain plants need certain temperatures in order to grow. For example: Florida produces a large number of oranges, when global warming occurs, what will orange farmers do? Florida is near the equator, and is already very hot, so when global warming occurs it will be even hotter. The oranges won't be able to grow very well. The only way for the farmers to grow oranges is to move them further and further north. How will they do that? They can't sell all their land, equipment, and homes, then buy land north of Georgia, can they? No, because then those other states would become overpopulated. There would be too many cars, people, and CO2.
So, what is your opinion of global warming's effect on agriculture? Do you think it will help or hurt? Destroy or create? Again, some scientists think it will help, others think it will hurt. Overall, global warming will effect agriculture very much
Human Health
Effects of global warming on human health
Climate change poses unique challenges to human health. Unlike health threats caused by a particular toxin or disease pathogen, there are many ways that climate change can lead to potentially harmful health effects. There are direct health impacts from heat waves and severe storms, ailments caused or exacerbated by air pollution and airborne allergens, and many climate-sensitive infectious diseases.Realistically assessing the potential health effects of climate change must include consideration of the capacity to manage new and changing climate conditions. Whether or not increased health risks due to climate change are realized will depend largely on societal responses and underlying vulnerability. The probability of exacerbated health risks due to climate change points to a need to maintain a strong public health infrastructure to help limit future impacts.
Increased risks associated with diseases originating outside the United States must also be considered be- cause we live in an increasingly globalized world. Many poor nations are expected to suffer even greater health consequences from climate change. With global trade and travel, disease flare-ups in any part of the world can potentially reach the United States. In addition, weather and climate extremes such as severe storms and drought can undermine public health infrastructure, further stress environmental resources, destabilize economies, and potentially create security risks both within the United States and internationally.Source :
The Effects of Global Warmning - Hot Sun
The Biggest Effect of Global Warming is Caused By The Sun
The Sun is the Main Cause of Global Warming?
Most people think that Effects of Global Warming that we see today is caused by Humans alone. This is not true in my view. The problem that Carbon di Oxide causes is that it does not allow the sun's radiation already received by the earth to be radiated back as CO2 traps it in the earth's atmosphere and heats it up.But why is that people are not bothered about the sun itself?
The sun is slowly growing into a large red giant. it will continue to grow. Scientists and Astronomers have already predicted that in 2012 the some thing drastic will happen on the sun. The sun will emit loads and loads of rays and radiation that will disrupt all the radio, radar, mobile, power grids and all other communication networks including all our satellites.We Have To Move Away From The Sun.
As the sun grows in size, its heat and other radiations will also increase. This means global warming problem will increase many folds. All the earth's ice will melt because of the Effect of Global Warming. The water in the sea will rise by more than 260 feet. That is not the end. We may also get fried on earth because of the sun's intense heat. So we have to move away from the Sun.How Do We Move The Earth Away From The Sun?
NASA is already working out a plan. They will send a high speed satellite with adequate mass. This satellite will hit a carefully chosen meteorite whose path is likely to be close to earth or moon. By hitting the satellite, its path will alter very little and it will come closer to the moon, may be 10000 kilometers. Any thing closer it will hit the moon which they don't want to happen. The meteorite and moon will exert gravitational force on each other.Using Moon We Will Move The Earth Away From The Sun
Once the moon moves outwards from its original orbit, it will cause a change in the earths orbit also. The calculations by NASA is such that the earth will get pulled by the moon and will start going away from the sun slowly about 3 cm every year. it is small amount but finally we will accelerate away and remain in such an orbit that as the Sun grows in size and heat, the earth will continue to remain in the same habitable cooler orbit.Will The Earth Move as NASA is Planning?
This is not just theory. NASA will be able to move the earth to keep it cool. They have been sending satellites for a long time and humans have gone to space and moon. So I think we can believe what they say. Wait and Watch.Alternative fuels
Alternative fuel
Alternative fuel (alternate fuel), also known as non-conventional fuels, is any material or substance that can be used as a fuel, other than fossil fuels, or conventional fuels of petroleum (oil), coal, propane, hydrogen, and natural gas. The term "alternative fuels" usually refers to a source of which energy is renewable.
The main purpose of fuel is to store energy in a form that is stable and can be easily transported from the place of production to the end user. Almost all fuels are chemical fuels, that store chemical potential energy. The end user is then able to consume the fuel at will, and release energy, usually in the form of heat for a variety of applications, such as powering an engine, or heating a building.
Some well known alternative fuels include biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, chemically stored electricity (batteries and fuel cells), hydrogen, methane, natural gas, wood, vegetable oil, biomass, and peanut oil.
In the year 2000, there were about eight million vehicles around the world that ran on alternative fuels, indicating the increasing popularity of alternative fuels {citation needed}. There is growing social interest, and an economic and political need for the development of alternative fuel sources. This is due to general concerns of sustainability, both environmental, economic, and geopolitical. A primary concern is that the fact that the use of conventional fuels directly contributes to the global warming crisis. Another concern is the problem of peak oil, which predicts a rising cost of oil derived fuels caused by severe shortages of oil during an era of growing energy consumption. According to the 'peak oil' phenomenon, the demand for oil will exceed supply and this gap will continue to grow, which could cause a growing energy crisis by the year 2010 or 2020. Lastly, the majority of the known petroleum reserves are located in the middle east. There is general concern that worldwide fuel shortages could intensify the unrest that exists in the region, leading to further conflict and war.Source from
The Earth Will Blackout in 2013
Not the Effect of Global Warming ?
It is said that the earth is going to blackout in 2013. This is not an Effect of Global Warming or an Earth Quake or any Volcano eruption. Watch the Video below.
It will be like a scene where mobile phones go on the blink, GPS is knocked out, TVs go blank and the world is plunged into chaos. It is being caused a large unprecedented solar storm, which is essentially violent eruptions in the sun, can eject destructive radiation and charged particles into space. Looks like disaster flicks aren’t too removed from reality since all this could well be the potential result of a gigantic solar storm, according to a new report by NASA. The report, a warning, says Earth and space are coming together in a way that’s new to human history .These are closely connected to magnetic fields – which are hazardous for satellites and space stations. High-tech systems are critical for life as we know it today. Everything that we depend on and take for granted – GPS navigation, air travel, internet banking services (even your credit card transaction needs a satellite) and emergency radio communications – can all be knocked out by intense solar activity
To get an idea of scale, a massive solar storm could result in 20 times more damage than the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina which hit south-eastern US in August 2005. The storm killed 1,800 people and caused damages worth $81 billion. There are reports of a geomagnetic storm sparked by a huge solar flare that swept over the Earth in 1859. Telegraph wires shorted out and set houses on fire. A brilliant aurora was seen in Hawaii—so bright that “people could read newspapers by [its] red and green glow.” Scientists predict that in May 2013, the sun’s solar cycle will peak at about the same level as in 1859. (This content courtesy a post on
Some good news is that some of the damage and destruction can be avoided with warning of an impending solar storm. There is technology to put satellites in ‘safe mode’ and disconnect transformers to protect them from destructive electrical surges. The key for Bogdan lies in NASA and NOAA collaborating. “NASA’s fleet of heliophysics research spacecraft provides us with up-to-the-minute information about what’s happening on the sun. They are an important complement to our own GOES and POES satellites, which focus more on the near-Earth environment.” The task of accurately forecasting a solar storm lies with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US. “Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy, but we’re making rapid progress,” said Thomas Bogdan, director of NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center in Colorado.
Wind Power
Wind power
Wind power is so easy to produce from simple wind power stations. These wind power stations can be homely ones, which you can install on your private roof to try to catch some wind. The other side of the wind power stations kinds, are the massive ones you can see on the open fields of many countries around the world, each wind turbine like that reaches to the height of 100m!
For home use, you will need simple wind turbine, connected to wind power station, to produce home use power. The location of the wind turbine, the highest to locate it, the correct direction it to and the right size of the turbine blades are all parameters to consider in order catching the maximum wind power. Open fields, down hills and clean airflow locations are the best places to calculate the maximum wind speed cube for producing wind power. For example, out of a win which blows for 30 Km/H you will be able to produce 300W ( per one square meter cube ). Double of this wind speed will generate much more than double power, something like 2600 Km/H. This is why on windy areas and on high potential locations for windy days, wind power stations are the most green and economical solution.
Home installed wind power stations must have stable wind. If the wind flow is much disturbs, the efficiently of the wind power productions reduce dramatically. This is why you will always see the wind turbines in open area's or high on the top roofs. Comparing to solar panels, wind stations are much costly but also much more efficient. Over the years, you will be able to produce more energy and maintain the power station less than with solar panels. Same like solar systems, the wind systems usually charge large batteries for later use.
There are some advanced solutions to produce wind and solar energy together. The solar part of the system makes sure that the complete system will produce power in no wind days and the wind turbines are taking care of the no sun days. In totally, the system produced alternative power energy, green
Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse gases are naturally found in air. They include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. They trap heat in the atmosphere and keep the Earth's surface much warmer than it would be if there was no atmosphere. This warming effect is called the natural greenhouse effect. In the last 200 years, the amount of greenhouse gases in the air has been increasing, due to human activities. Mankind has been increasing the amount of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the air, and has even been adding completely new greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, like the CFCs, which also destroy the ozone layer.
Carbon dioxide is produced naturally through when animals breathe, when dead plants and animals decay, and during natural forest fires. Mankind produces carbon dioxide when coal, oil and gas (the fossil fuels) are burnt for energy and electricity, and when forests are cut down or burnt to make way for agriculture. Trees help to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by using it to make food (photosynthesis). Plant life in the oceans also uses carbon dioxide. Methane is another major greenhouse gas. It is formed naturally in marshes and bogs when dead plant and animal matter decays, and also by termites. Mankind releases methane by growing rice, farming cattle, burying waste and burning fossil fuels. Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas naturally produced by oceans and by lightening strikes, but humans have increased the amount in air by the production of nylon and through using agricultural fertilisers. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are a group of man-made substances containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon. They were invented in the 1930s for use in fridges, but have other uses, including aerosols. They are very strong greenhouse gases and remain for a long time in the atmosphere. They break down at high altitudes where they contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. Fortunately, their use has been banned since 1995.
The Effects of Global Warming - Water Asteroids
Water Asteroid Hits Earth
The earth existed for 4.5 billion years. The earth was dry without water when it was born.The hot hearth had a lot of steam inside its core that came out with volcanic eruptions. All the steam caused large masses of clouds over the earths atmosphere.The earth then rained continuously for thousands of years and the seas were born. The sea however had only 50% of the water it has now. Then where did the other 50% of the water come from?
Yes, the picture you see here is an asteroid from outer space made of only water hits the earth. Thousands and thousands of such water asteroids hit the earth in the early stages of its formation. There are documented proof for this. This is how we have so much of water, almost double of what we had when the earth was formed.
Aircraft Causes Antartic Global Warming
AirCraft Causes Antartic Global Warming
Arctic and Antarctic regions being ice covered and white, it reflects maximum amount of suns energy back to space. But the CO2 present in atmosphere is causing a layer or blanket that stops the heat from escaping the earths atmosphere and keeps it trapped. This causes a large increase of global warming or temperature rise.
They have landed aircraft in Antarctic ice runway as you see the scientists in the photo above. The air craft that fly over Antarctica emit so much carbon dioxide directly at a height where it actually affects the earths atmosphere in global warming. Most people are not aware that studies have found that the jet planes flying in the Antartic region are actually emitting so much of carbon di oxide that the heat reflected by the earths ice cover is not able to escape the atmosphere. Antartica Ice is melting.
If we do not take action now to stop all these aircraft from causing this dangerous situation of carbondioxide emissions in the antartic regions then the global warming will be directly effecting the earth by melting the artic and antartic ice cap and increasing the height of the seas world over to over 2 meters by the year 2100.
With every inch of sea level rise the land lost along the shores of the countries world over would be around phenomenal as the sea would come inland by over 600 feet per centimeter sea level rise. Do what ever you can to stop the global warming. Build Your Own Simple Solar or Wind Power Generation System at least at your home so that you save the earth from heating up from generating power for your home burning coal or oil by the power company. If you generate some extra power do give it back to the power grid and your power company may pay you for the electricity you give to the grid.
Save the earth. Stop global warming. Contribute to save earth your way by at least planting a tree today. A tree would convert one ton of carbondioxide to oxygen in one year.
You Can Reduce Global Warming Effects
Reduce Global Warming Effects
Greenhouse Gas Generation
It is known that more than any other gas CO2 is doing more harm to our environment by trapping heat in the earths atmosphere. The Glaciers are melting off. The sea level is rising. Wake up. The coastal cities will be gone in a few years if we do not act now. Find a chart or sector graph of the various greenhouse gases. If we can then we must do whatever small steps we can take to control this mad rise in CO2. Put up a Solar or Wind Generation system for your homes now. It will cost you a few dollars, but you will get free power and recover the cost in a few months and you will also get paid by the power company for uploading power to their grid if you generate extra power.Sun Greenhouse Effects Global Warming
Greenhouse Effects Global Warming
What is Greenhouse Effect?
When the ground is heated inside a green house or a glass roof house with plants inside, the suns heat absorbed by the ground is radiated back to the sky. But the glass allows some heat to radiate out but reflects back some part of this radiated heat keeping the glass house green and plants grow. This is called a green house effect as shown belowWhat is Greenhouse Effect on Atmosphere?
What is Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?
Which Gas Causes Max Greenhouse Effect?
Is There Greenhouse Effect on the Moon?
How to Achieve Zero Greenhouse Effect?
Save the Earth. Save Mankind from Extinction
Global Warming Time Bomb - Methane Hydrate
Global Warming Time Bomb
Methane Hydrate is the Effect of Global Warming. It is a Global Warming Time Bomb. The above picture is a real fact. There are tons of Methane Hydrate trapped under the kilometers thick ice in Alaska. 1 cubic meter of Methane Nitrate by volume is equal to 164 cubic meters of Methane. Methane Hydrate allows the Methane molecules to be packed more closely than in your cooking gas cylinder.
Methane Hydrate in Alaskan Ice. Scientists have found bubbles of Methane Hydrate trapped under the ice. When they make a hole in the ice where these bubbles are, methane just gushes out and when you put a naked flame it catches fire. Watch Video of Alaska Ice Burning Methane
How Did Methane Come Inside Alaska Ice? The answer is simple. There is millions of tons of vegetation lying in the bed of the frozen ice. Now that the ice sheet thickness is reducing, the sun light has started reaching the bottom and bacteria has started getting activated. As they eat up the vegetation and it rots, they release methane which gets trapped under the ice.
Why is Methane Hydrate called a Global Warming Time Bomb? Methane is a green house gas that has the capability to trap the heat on the earths atmosphere leading to global warming. The higher the methane that is released the more the global warming and the more the ice sheet melts and the more the sunlight that will reach the bottom and the more the bacterial will rot the vegetation and the more the methane that gets released. Some day the ice will explode as the methane concentration increases and the bacteria will get full sunlight and the entire atmosphere will be filled with methane heating up the earth and melting all the ice in Antartica which means a total sea level rise of over 260 feet from what is today. Thus the Alaska Ice Methane hydrate is called a Global Warming Time Bomb.
How do we Stop the Methane Global Warming Time Bomb from Exploding? Do your part in stopping the global warming from happening. Plant more trees, use recycled paper, stop burning gas in your car by car pooling etc etc you already know all that. Let us hope some day somebody will find a way of harnessing this methane hydrate to be put to use in our vehicles and kitchens. Japan is already trying to harness this methane hydrate they have found off shore. Once they succeed, we will be able to turn this global warming time bomb off.
Stop Global Warming & Save the Earth
The Effects of Global Warming - Sea Level Rise by 1.90 Meters
The Effects of Global Warming Sea Level Rise (0.79 m to 1.90 m)
The Effects of Global Warming on Sea Level Rise
How much will the Sea level rise due to the Effects of Global Warming ?
The past 130 years study has shown that on an average sea level rise was 0.34 meters in the last 100 years. That is an average of 3.4 mm per year. The entire sea level rise cannot be due to attributed to the effects of global warming in Antartica and Greenland but also is partly due to melting of ice in inland ice covers. Going by this average figure we will have a sea level rise of about 17 inches or 34 cm by the year 2110, considering a 0.5 degree global temperature rise. But....
The amount of Carbon Di Oxide released into the atmosphere has doubled in the past ten years which has been the major green house gas responsible for global warming. The studies also point out that the amount of sea level rise due to global warming has also accelerated. Going by the latest studies the sea level may rise by a minimum of 0.79 meters up to a maximum of1.90 meters or anywhere between that, because of the expected global temperature rise of 2 degree centigrade, unless we do something magical to reduce the green house gas emissions to reduce the effects of global warming.
What will happen if we don't stop the Global Warming?
There is no doubt that the global warming will melt the ice on earth. This will stop the suns heat which is now being reflected away by the white ice cover to be absorbed by the ground and heat up. The increased CO2 in the atmosphere will keep the heat trapped on earth increasing the temperature or global warming even more.
How much will Sea Level Rise if the whole Ice Sheet on Earth Melts ?
The studies and history has seen the sea levels at 160 feet more than what it is today around 60 million years away. The earth has been without ice for many times. But can the 6 billion plus human beings on earth sustain if the scenario is repeated. If global warming is to continue without human intervention the entire ice on earth will melt and we will have the sea level rise of 260 feet from the present day sea levels. This means very little land will be left for the 6 billion plus humans to live.Let us act Now
Save the Earth. Save Yourself.
The Effects of Global Warming
The Effects of Global Warming
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